#TunedIn: 10 Things Worth Checking Out Now
A curated list of articles by, and featuring, CMCI researchers for your reading, watching and listening pleasure. Dig in!
As the moral backbones of those behind many of the world’s biggest brands are being tested, a team of researchers interviewed advertising practitioners to find out how their moral reasoning rates compare to those previously tested in 2005. Erin Schauster (Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design), Pat Ferrucci (Journalism), Tara Walker (PhDAdvert’20) and Nanyang Technological University’s Edson Tandoc coauthored the paper that includes some good news for the industry. Read about their results.
“Statues are the front lines to revise partial history and reckon with deadly lapses of memory,” writes Nabil Echchaibi (Media Studies) in a recent piece for Al Jazeera English. "I had no idea" is a lame defense against the sting of injustice. It is the excuse of the powerful when confronted with the inevitability of disaster, when the fog of lies finally lifts to reveal the ugliness of comforted history.” Read the full OpEd.
When PBS News Hour's crew couldn’t travel to a recent interview for a piece on "How the pandemic is complicating America’s addiction crisis," Pat Clark (Critical Media Practices) stepped in, along with Troy Fairbanks (CritMedia’18), who served as Clark's second camera operator. "This was a true 'journalists solve problems to tell the story' situation," says Clark. The pair filmed the interview from Broomfield as correspondent William Brangham asked questions via Skype. Watch their work on News Hour’s website.
in a piece about the importance of voting to tackle systemic racism, master's student Tara Nathan (Media and Public Engagement) and coauthor Gail Berritt write, "For Black citizens, electing legislators committed to policies that foster racial justice is a life or death issue." Read more in the Hartford Courant.
Georgia Tech researcher Mark Riedl’s machine-learning model 'Weird A.I. Yancovic,” was all in good fun––until it wasn’t. A parody song generated by the model was taken down by Twitter after the company received a copyright complaint––though Riedl feels the content is fair use. Casey Fiesler (Information Science) shared her thoughts in a story by Vice. You can also read her thoughts on K-Pop fan activists in a story by Teen Vogue.
"Owners hold greater leverage over issues their communities face, from education to policing. So, what forms of ownership could confront the crisis we’re now facing?" In his recent piece for The Nation, Nathan Schneider (Media Studies) outlines the ways that the co-op movement can help communities meet the moment You can also listen to Schneider interview his colleague Sandra Ristovska (Media Studies) about how videos like that of George Floyd relate to global questions around human rights. Tune in to Schneider’s radio show and podcast Looks Like New to hear more.
As the coronavirus spread, two social media communities drifted apart. Researchers examined how two discussion boards on the social media site Reddit drifted amid the pandemic in a recent study co-authored by Brian Keegan (Information Science) and the College of Engineering and Applied Science's Chenhao Tan and Qin (Christine) Lv (Computer Science). Find out why the authors say that some content moderation on the site could go a long way in CU Boulder Today.
Christine Larson’s journalism career had a somewhat colorful beginning. During her first job at Cosmopolitan, the magazine redecorated the apartment where she lived with two roommates and repainted it Pepto-Bismol pink. She also wrote graphic novel comic books about celebrities, including Metallica and Prince. Check out this CU Connections Q&A and don’t forget to read the pandemic-related stories her students produced from their hometowns this spring.
Want to learn more about what CMCI researchers are studying? Check out our article on faculty and graduate students who recently attended the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s virtual conference, AEJMC 20. CMCI researchers from five of the college’s six departments participated. They accepted seven top-paper awards, including three first-place faculty papers, two second-place faculty papers, a third-place student paper and a fourth-place faculty paper. Read the full listing of awards and paper topics on our website.