Darija Medić is a multimodal artist, practice based researcher, curator and media designer investigating contemporary agential labyrinths of cohabiting with technical infrastructures and their sociopolitical ecosystems. Interested in habitual interaction as a form of embodied (un)learning, she develops work in the context of tactical media poetics, distributed cognition, materiality of interaction and politics of interface design within digital culture. Combining a range of media into low tech participatory installations, interventions and performances she creates collective processes for sensitizing, sometimes absurd, politically laden points behind the space where technical mediation and prosumer habituation meet. She has exhibited work at 70 venues across the world, and has given some 40 presentations and talks internationally.
Together with Uroš Krčadinac, she is the coauthor of the sister poetry book Tactical Poetics and Optimised Poetics, which introduces poetic practices of co-creational textual production through appropriating mass surveillance and artificial intelligence tools. She has worked as a researcher and producer at DiploFoundation, creating links between critical digital art and policy, including curating and producing the first digital art exhibition to be included in the program of the Internet Governance Forum in the UN in Geneva (2017). In 2021 she facilitated the project Excavations: Governance Archaeology for the Future of the Internet project with Nathan Schneider from CU Boulder and Federica Carugati from King’s College London, and designed and developed the exhibition space, which was also included in the official program of the Internet Governance Forum 2021, as well as Re:publica.
She holds a bachelor from the New Media department at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia, a master's in Media Design and Communication from the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, Netherlands and is currently a PhD candidate at the Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance Program at the University of Colorado Boulder in the USA. She is also a visiting lecturer at the Faculty for Media and Communications, Singidunum University in Belgrade, Serbia and associate researcher with Center for New Media kuda.org. At CU Boulder she is a research assistant at the Media Archaeology Lab, developing websites, recording old tech sounds and facilitating the practitioner in residence program.