CMCI Grants

Please be aware of upcoming submission deadlines for faculty grant opportunities through CMCI:

CMCI Research Collaboratives
In spring 2023, CMCI will launch a pilot program on CMCI Research Collaboratives.  These Research Collaboratives are designed to foster interdisciplinary, multi-department and multi-rank intellectual and scholarly community. They do so by inviting small groups to organize around shared interests and goals. 
Learn more and apply →

Payden Award
The Payden Award recognizes excellence in teaching and research or creative work with a $20,000 cash prize and the opportunity to present a colloquium on effective teaching methods. Each year, a short list of potential Payden Award recipients is identified quantitatively based on evidence submitted annually by each faculty member. 
Learn more and apply →

Payden Teaching Excellence Grant Submissions
Apply for CMCI Payden Teaching Excellence funds by Friday, April 12. The proposal must include information about the nature and scope of the project, anticipated impact of the proposed teaching initiative, how the request furthers faculty members’ ability to achieve teaching excellence, and timeline and budget. Learn more and apply →

de Castro Grant Research Award Applications
The de Castro Research Award supports and enhances the research and creative work of CMCI faculty. Annual awards may range up to $10,000 for a collaborative project and up to $5,000 to support the work of individual faculty members.
Learn more and apply →