In 2022, A Queer Endeavor...
In 2022, A Queer Endeavor...
A Queer Endeavor did something for me that hadn’t happened in years… it brought my burnt-out educator heart back to life. Before the AQE training I knew that I cared for students, but I did not know HOW to care for them. AQE gave me language, tools, and ideas to serve all learners. Even more, AQE gave me a community of empowerment and accountability. Thanks to AQE I have a network of teachers around the state to bounce ideas off, ask questions to, and lean on."
—Kelly Langley-Cook (she/her/hers)
Lecturer in History and Secondary Education Program Advisor, University of Northern Colorado
Thank you!
Again, we just want to sit in gratitude and say from a deep place of love and appreciation.
YOU make an impact! We are so grateful.
As always, reach out for support, community, or resources.