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What's Your Name?

In the contemporary world, most of us move from one place to another and experience placelessness, the difficulty of building deep knowledge of and relationship with the specific culture or place we migrated to. Today’s nomadic culture and lifestyle is multicultural, transcending geographic locations and ethnic characteristics. Such experiences lead us to re-perceive our sense of identity. 

In this Luncheon Series presentation, Joo Yeon Woo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Art History, will engage with issues of Korean diaspora and cultural displacement. Her current creative work, "What’s Your Name?" investigates how Korean immigrants in the United States understand their sense of cultural identity. Cultural identity reflects the society's collective belief and value, and the names are part of cultural identity. Names—ethnic or adopted—as well as naming practice are critical keys to comprehending how they redefine, reform, or reject their cultural identity. As a visual artist, I carry out an interview project and a series of photographs embodying Korean immigrants' stories and emotional resonances.

This Luncheon Series event will be held on Friday, September 26, at 12:00 p.m. in the CAS Conference Room, located two doors north of Starbucks on University and Broadway. Lunch will be provided.