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Panel Discussion Commemorating the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Tiananmen Protests and Crackdown Next Wednesday

Join the Center for Asian Studies for an evening during which we commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen protests and June 4th Crackdown with a panel discussion entitled "Tiananmen Retrospective: Reflections on Violence, Power, and Protest in China and Beyond." We will discuss not only the events of Tiananmen but also subsequent uprisings throughout Asia that were heavily influenced by Tiananmen

This panel features Chris Hammons, Instructor of Anthropology; Tim Oakes, Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Asian Studies; and Tim Weston, Associate Professor of History and Associate Director of the Center for Asian Studies.

Tiananmen Retrospective will be on Wednesday, April 23 at 4:00 p.m. in Humanities 1B80 on the CU-Boulder campus. We hope to see you there!