CAS is pleased to announce that we are close to reaching our goal of establishing an endowment in honor of establish Edward G. Seidensticker (1921-2007), mentor, teacher, and friend to many. The endowment will provide an annual fellowship for a graduate student in Professor Seidensticker’s field of Japanese studies and will honor an important scholar with many ties to the University of Colorado.
Professor Seidensticker was a native of Colorado, born in Castle Rock. He earned a B.A. in Political Science from CU in 1942. When the U.S. Navy’s Japanese Language School moved to Boulder the year of his graduation, he volunteered with the Marines and studied Japanese in Boulder from 1942-43, later being sent with the occupation forces to Kyushu and then to Tokyo as a translator.
After a distinguished career as a translator and scholar, he was awarded an honorary degree from CU in 2001, and he agreed to donate his extensive personal archives and papers to the University Libraries. Most of these papers have arrived already and are available for the use of students and researchers of Japanese literature and the history of post-war Japanese studies.
If you would like to help us make this endowed fellowship a reality, we encourage you to make a contribution to the endowment fund by clicking here.
Post authored by Laurel Rasplica Rodd, Professor of Japanese, Asian Languages and Civilizations, CU-Boulder.