Sowmiya Shubbarayan
Creative Industries Master's Student
ATLAS Institute

Sowmiya Shubbarayan has a Bachelor of Engineering in computer science and engineering from Anna University and is primarily interested in immersive technologies like AR and VR. She came to ATLAS because of the "program’s emphasis on blending technology with creativity." "I'm convinced that ATLAS is the right place to pursue my dreams," she says. Aside from getting quality guidance from professors, while in the Creative Industries track Sowmiya hopes to experiment with her XR ideas. She's most proud of her research output, including an original scientific paper publication and presentation. After graduating, Sowmiya's plan is to become an XR software developer to create intelligent and immersive applications for medicine and education, working at the intersection of UI/UX, Extended Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. In her free time, Sowmiya does glass painting and loves photographing wildlife and nature.