Rhiannan Price
- Industry Mentor
- Managing Director at DevGlobal Partners
Rhiannan Price is a Senior Advisor at DevGlobal Partners and lead for NASA Lifelines, a new community building initiative bringing together experts from various backgrounds, countries and disciplines to accelerate use of satellite data for humanitarian action. Rhiannan has over 15 years' experience working at the intersection of technology and development, leveraging satellite imagery, AI, crowdsourcing, and other digital tools in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She's passionate about the potential for technology to break down our siloes and help us leapfrog to a more resilient, sustainable world. Prior to joining DevGlobal, Rhiannan led the Sustainable Development portfolio at Maxar Technologies where she founded their Open Data Program, among other initiatives. She has lived in Uganda, Tanzania, and Dominica and speaks four languages. A former Peace Corps Volunteer, Rhiannan has a master’s degree in International Human Rights from the Korbel School at University of Denver where she was a Boren Fellow.