Michael Eisenberg
- Professor and Director
Mike Eisenberg passed away on March 12, 2019. He was a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he co-directed the Craft Technology Lab with his wife, Ann Eisenberg. The lab’s research blends the most fruitful traditions of children’s crafts with the affordances of new technologies. He co-edited (with Yasmin Kafai, Leah Buechley and Kylie Peppler) the book, Textile Messages: Dispatches From the World of E-Textiles and Education, and has authored both a programming textbook, Programming in Scheme, and a published play, Hackers. He was a member of the President’s Teaching Scholars at CU, and was the recipient of many teaching awards from the university. An obituary may be read on the Craft Technology website.
- Annie Kelly, Christine Chang, Chris Hill, Mary West,Mary Yoder, Joseph Polman, Shaun Kane, Michael Eisenberg, and R. Benjamin Shapiro. 2020. “Our Dog Probably Thinks Christmas Is Really Boring”: Re-mediating Science Education for Feminist-inspired Inquiry. ICLS 2020: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences.10.22318/icls2020.935 (Nashville, Tennessee (virtual)–June 19-23, 2020). pdf
- Hyunjoo Oh, Sherry Hsi, Michael Eisenberg, and Mark D. Gross. 2018. Paper mechatronics: present and future. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 389-395. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3202185.3202761 (Trondheim, Norway – June, 2018).
- HyunJoo Oh, Mark D. Gross, Michael Eisenberg, and Sherry Hsi. 2018. PaperMech. Interactions 25, 3 (April 2018), 14-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3199637 (April 2018).
- Pin-Cheng Lin, HyunJoo Oh, Mark D. Gross, Michael Eisenberg, Sherry Hsi, Becca Rose Glowacki, Mark Wonnacott, Amy Rose, Emma Powell, Liv Bargman, Seungwoo Je, Brendan Rooney, Liwei Chan, and Andrea Bianchi. 2018. Demo hour. Interactions 25, 2 (February 2018), 6-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3183514.
- Michael Eisenberg, Sherry Hsi, and Hyunjoo Oh. Machines and minds: The new cognitive science, and the potential evolution of children’s intuitions about thinking. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. Volume 14, October 2017, Pages 1-4.