Maria Deslis
Lecturer • MS, TMS—Creative Technologies + Design '20 • GAMES, DESIGN
ATLAS Institute

Maria Deslis is an amalgam of engineer and artist and is currently a graduate student at CU Boulder under the ATLAS MS-CTD (Creative Technologies and Design) program. Her bachelor's degree is from Colorado School of Mines in math and computer science ('14).

Maria's goal is to make games that change the world for the better. She wants to create games that have an impact and create change in people, and even possibly society, in a positive way. She firmly believes that videogames are a strong platform and have the power to create meaningful messaging, and her goal is to one day is to be in the gaming industry and make as many games as she can.

Maria has taught computer science courses at Colorado School of Mines and design courses at CU Boulder.

For more information about Maria, view her LinkedIn page. Alumni pages are not always updated after graduation.​