Jed Brubaker
Assistant Professor
Information Science

Assistant Professor Jed Brubaker conducts research in social informatics, social media and infrastructure studies. He studies how identity is designed, represented and experienced in socio-technical systems. Brubaker joins CU from the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine where his doctoral research focused on our digital afterlives, interactions with post-mortem data and how to improve the management of accounts and personal data after we die.  His work has received numerous awards, received international media attention and directly informed the design and development of Facebook’s Legacy Contact.

Brubaker is the Robert Kling Fellow, William Hulings ARCS Scholarand was named University of California, Irvine’s Most Promising Future Faculty Member for 2013. He is a member of the Intel Science & Technology Center for Social Computing, Facebook Compassion Research and Microsoft’s Social Media Collective. He interned with Microsoft Research and is an academic partner at Facebook.


Katie Z. Gach and Jed R. Brubaker. 2020. Experiences of Trust in Postmortem Profile Management. ACM Trans. Soc. Comput. 3, 1: Article 2.

Katie Z. GachCasey Fiesler, and Jed R. Brubaker. 2017. “Control your emotions, Potter”: An Analysis of Grief Policing on Facebook in Response to Celebrity Death. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 1, CSCW, Article 47, 18 pages.