ATLAS Bylaws, updated April 2022, are available to download as a PDF.
ATLAS Faculty Merit Review: Refer to the Process and Explanation of Ratings Google Doc.
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ATLAS Institute Policy on Promotion of Instructor Rank Faculty Members: The ATLAS Institute conforms to the Boulder campus Description of Non-Tenure Track roles and to the Boulder campus Academic Affairs Guidelines for the Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion of Lecturer and Instructor Rank Faculty.
A promotion to the rank of senior instructor shall be based on the following measures:
- The Instructor shall provide a dossier summarizing his/her teaching activities, including:
- A list of courses taught starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
- A summary of FCQ scores starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
- A list of new courses developed starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
- Other evidence of exemplary teaching (e.g., major curriculum revisions, awards, accolades)
- In addition to the materials provided by the Instructor, the ATLAS Institute shall solicit letters of reference selected at random from current and / or past students.
- The Instructor shall provide a dossier summarizing his/her teaching activities, including:
- The instructor shall provide a dossier summarizing his/her service activities from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
Research and/or creative work
The normal workload is 80% teaching, 20% service, however Senior Instructors may be reappointed at a differential workload (e.g. 80% teaching, 10% service, 10% research/creative work.) If applicable, the Instructor will provide a dossier summarizing their research and/or creative work starting from the time of initial appointment as Instructor.
Annual evaluations
- The Instructor shall compile a list of annual evaluations over the past seven years or starting from their time of initial appointment as Instructor.
Currency in the field of study
- The Instructor shall provide a letter addressing their current relevance in their field.
Reference letters
- The instructor shall provide the names of three referees external to the ATLAS Institute who can advise ATLAS with regard to the Instructor’s promotion to Senior Instructor.
The ATLAS Institute Executive Committee shall review these materials before they are submitted, along with a recommendation from the ATLAS Institute Director, to the relevant hiring authority.