Workshop and Training Materials
Materials from ASSETT's recent professional development offerings are provided as self-study resources for members of the CU Boulder community. Email us to request a presentation, workshop, or additional information about any of the topics below.
Spring 2019
Flipped Classrooms
Presented by Joy Adams and Amanda McAndrew, February 2019
Universal Design for Learning: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching
Presented by Joy Adams (ASSETT) and Brad Grabham (ATDT), February 2019
The Unwritten Rules of College: Creating Transparent Assignments That Increase Underserved College Students’ Success
Presented by Mary-Ann Winkelmes (Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Brandeis University), April 2019
Materials shared with permission for educational use
2019 Course Design Workshop
Presented by Joy Adams and Amanda McAndrew, May 2019
Fall 2018
Creating and Grading with Rubrics [PDF]
Presented by Joy Adams, September 2018
Digital Device Use in the Classroom: Insights from the CU Community
Presented by Shane Schwikert and James Foster, October 2018
Summer 2018
Sankey Diagrams for Data Visualization
Presented by Shane Schwikert and James Foster, June 2018
Accessibility Basics for Instructors [self-enrolled Canvas course]
Created by Joy Adams (ASSETT) and Laura Hamrick (OIT), August 2018
The Universal Classroom: Designing Your Course for Diverse Learners
Presented by Joy Adams (ASSETT) and Brad Grabham (ATDT), August 2018