Advisory Board
ASSETT is advised by a board of representatives from across the College of Arts and Sciences, including faculty, staff and students. The board is chaired by an associate dean of the college, who appoints the members with recommendations from the ASSETT Director, other associate deans, the A&S Student Government, and the United Government of Graduate Students. Faculty and staff are appointed for one to two years, and students are appointed for two semesters. The board meets twice a year to review ASSETT’s activities and make recommendations for the future.
Download Advisory Board Bylaws [PDF]
Mission Statement: The mission of the A&S Support of Education Through Technology (ASSETT) program is to work in partnership with OIT to increase access to educational technology for instructors and students in the College of Arts & Sciences. The primary roles of the Advisory Board are to help improve communication of ASSETT resources to faculty and students, provide advice regarding new initiatives that ASSETT might undertake, and work in coordination with OIT to strategize the potential use of ASSETT funds. The ASSETT fee revenue is held in a special account that is administered “under the supervision of the Dean of Arts & Sciences, and in consultation with an advisory committee named by the Dean and composed of faculty, graduate student representatives, and undergraduate student representatives.”
Membership: The Advisory Board shall consist of (1) two faculty representatives from each of the three divisions in the College of Arts & Sciences: Arts & Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences, (2) at least one undergraduate student per division, and (3) at least one at large graduate student. All members serve staggered two-year terms, and membership may be renewed for additional two-year terms. Any faculty member shall be eligible to serve as Advisory Board Chair after serving an initial two-year term. The Chair shall serve a two-year term following election by the board members. The ASSETT Faculty Advisor and two members of the OIT management team (the Associate Director of Academic Technology, Strategy and Support and the Director of Academic and Campus Technology, Communications and Support) will serve as ex-officio members.
Responsibilities: The Dean will appoint an Associate Dean to steward the use of the ASSETT fee, and the Associate Dean will convene the Advisory Board for the following purposes:
- Consult and advise regarding strategic and budget planning, program priorities and outcomes for the ASSETT unit housed in OIT.
- Counsel the associate dean about the application of any surplus revenues to the ASSETT unit in OIT and/or to other College initiatives around teaching, learning and technology.
- Recommend new activities to improve ASSETT for faculty and students.
- Design any future ASSETT award programs, as surplus funds allow, and contribute to the award process by reviewing proposals, helping select projects to fund and receiving reports on outcomes.
- Collaborate with ASSETT leadership to recruit and recommend faculty to serve as the Faculty Fellows.
Meetings: The Board will ordinarily convene three times per academic year: e.g.,. typically, September, January, and March . The January meeting will be an open house to showcase ASSETT accomplishments, services, and programs. All board members are expected to attend. The purpose of the meetings shall be for the Board, the ASSETT Faculty Advisor, and the OIT management team to discuss the current state of and future visions for ASSETT. The ASSETT Faculty Advisor shall present the status of ASSETT programs and events. The March meeting will include a budget presentation from OIT and budget planning for the next academic year. New approaches to enhancing and improving the activities of ASSETT shall be considered at each meeting.
- Develop and periodically review ASSETT’s strategies, goals and annual as well as multiyear objectives
- Ensure that ASSETT’s strategies, goals and annual and multiyear objectives are in keeping with the mission of the program as proposed in the Spring 2008 fee proposal.
- Assess the effectiveness of ASSETT’s activities in meeting its mission.
- Assume fiduciary responsibility for ASSETT’s expenditure of student fees and in that role set an annual budget and require that the Director report at regular intervals on expenses relative to the approved budget.
- Ensure that administrative expenses are reasonable and necessary to ASSETT’s mission.
- Ensure that staff are well qualified and receive adequate opportunities for professional development.
- Provide for leadership continuity and plan for transitions.
- Review the Director’s performance annually.
- Ensure that feedback on the needs of the College faculty related to ASSETT’s mission is gathered at least annually.
- Ensure that the Director prepares and distributes a report on ASSETT’s activities annually
- Seek diversity and inclusiveness in board appointments and hiring practices.
- Ensure transparency in ASSETT’s activities and the delivery of services.
- Collaborate in building relationships and developing opportunities within the College and with other units on campus.
- Conduct at least two in-person meetings annually, one of which should be in the fall semester and the other late in the spring semester. The fall semester meeting should include a review of the challenges and accomplishments of the previous year, and the spring semester meeting should include a report from the Director, discussion and approval of the plans for the coming year, setting the budget for the coming year, and reviewing the performance of the Director.
The advisory board includes:
- Two faculty members from each Arts & Sciences division: Arts & Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences
- At least one undergraduate student from each Arts & Sciences division
- At least one graduate student member at large
- An associate dean who convenes the board (currently David Brown, Divisional Dean of Social Sciences)
- The ASSETT Faculty Director who serves ex officio.
Name | Title | Department | Term |
Janet Casagrand* | Senior Instructor | Integrated Physiology | 2017– |
Carson Ebersbach | Undergraduate Student | Environmental Studies | 2022– |
Macy Gantner | Undergraduate Student | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2022– |
Berit Jany | Associate Teaching Professor | German and Slavic Languages and Literatures | 2022– |
Nicole Jobin | Teaching Associate Professor | Stories and Societies Residential Academic Program | 2022– |
Rebecca Lee | Graduate Student | Linguistics | 2022– |
Jennifer Lewon | Lecturer | Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | 2017– |
Deepti Misri | Associate Professor | Women and Gender Studies | 2022– |
Alejandro Perdomo-Pino | Undergraduate Student | Environmental Studies | 2022– |
Sebastian Schmidt | Associate Professor | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 2019– |
Olivia Stock | Undergraduate Student | Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | 2022– |
*Janet Casagrand is the Chair of the Advisory Board
Name | Role | Department | Term |
Nathaniel Bala | Undergraduate Student | Theatre & Dance | 2018–20 |
Rachel Bowyer | Graduate Student | Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences | 2021–22 |
David Brown | Convener | Division of Social Sciences | 2018–22 |
Kira Hall | Professor | Linguistics & Anthropology | 2019–21 |
Leila Gómez | Associate Professor | Spanish & Portuguese | 2019–21 |
Vilha Hulden | Instructor | History | 2019–22 |
Aisha Jackson | Director (Ex Officio Member) | Office of Information Technology | 2016–22 |
Sabrina Kainz | Undergraduate Student | Geology | 2019–20 |
Kavya Kannan | Undergraduate Student | Economics | 2019–20 |
Beth Osnes | Faculty Advisor (Ex Officio Member) | Theatre & Dance | 2019–22 |
Sarah Sokhey | Associate Professor | Political Science | 2019–21 |
Mark Werner | Associate Director (Ex Officio Member) | Office of Information Technology | 2016–21 |
Carew Boulding | Faculty Representative | Political Science | 2018–19 |
Andrew Martin | Faculty Advisor | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2016–19 |
Laura Olson Osterman | Faculty Representative | Germanic and Slavic Languages & Literatures | 2016–19 |
Jill Litt | Faculty Representative | Environmental Studies | 2018 |
Kyle McJunkin | Convener | College of Arts & Sciences | 2017–18 |
Margaret Asirvatham | Faculty Representative | Chemistry | 2012–17 |
Daryl Maeda | Faculty Representative | Ethnic Studies | 2015–17 |
Irene Blair | Faculty Representative | Psychology | 2015–16 |
Elspeth Dusinberre | Faculty Representative | Classics | 2014–16 |
Cheryl Higashida | Faculty Representative | English | 2011–16 |
Robin Bernstein | Faculty Representative | Anthropology | 2013–15 |
Lew Harvey | Faculty Representative | Psychology | 2008–15 |
Cecilia Pang | Faculty Representative | Theatre & Dance | 2013–15 |
Jennifer Wolak | Faculty Representative | Political Science | 2011–15 |
Douglas Duncan | Faculty Representative | Astronomy & Planetary Science | 2011–14 |
Michael Radelet | Faculty Representative | Sociology | 2012–14 |
John Martin Ackerman | Faculty Representative | Program for Writing & Rhetoric | 2012–13 |
Kirstyn Leuner | Faculty Representative | English | 2012–13 |
Eric Stade | Faculty Representative | Mathematics | 2011–13 |
Kathryn Arehart | Faculty Representative | Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | 2008–12 |
Linnea Avallone | Faculty Representative | Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics | 2008–12 |
Michael Dubson | Faculty Representative | Physics | 2011–12 |
Lori Emerson | Faculty Representative | English | 2009–12 |
Horst Mewes | Faculty Representative | Political Science | 2011–12 |
Noah Finkelstein | Faculty Representative | Physics | 2009–11 |
Anna Hasenfratz | Faculty Representative | Physics | 2011 |
Ed Rivers | Faculty Representative | English | 2008–11 |
E. Scott Adler | Faculty Representative | Political Science | 2008–10 |
Anne Dougherty | Faculty Representative | Applied Mathematics | 2008–10 |
Kira Hall | Faculty Representative | Linguistics | 2009–10 |
Mary Klages | Faculty Representative | English | 2009 |
Noel Lenski | Faculty Representative | Classics | 2008–09 |
Name | Role | Department | Term |
Jashodhara Sen | Graduate Representative | Theatre & Dance | 2019–20 |
Anthony Pidanick | Undergraduate Representative | Psychology | 2018–19 |
Lakshmi Lalchandani | Graduate Representative | Psychology | 2017–19 |
Dorothy Eissenberg | Undergraduate Representative | Political Science | 2017–18 |
Alma Hinojosa | Undergraduate Representative | English | 2017–18 |
Taylor Marino | Undergraduate Representative | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2017 |
Amedee Marchand Martella | Undergraduate Representative | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2016 |
Nico Hernandez Charpak | Graduate Representative | Physics | 2015–16 |
Jessica Barnes | Undergraduate Representative | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2015 |
Richard Bender | Graduate Representative | Anthropology | 2011–15 |
Michael Benton | Undergraduate Representative | History | 2015 |
Ciera Catalano | Undergraduate Representative | Psychology | 2015 |
Elisabeth Anne Collins | Undergraduate Representative | Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology | 2015 |
Samantha Williams | Undergraduate Representative | Classics | 2013–15 |
Pippa Bancroft Blau | Undergraduate Representative | Sociology | 2014 |
Catherine Bogart | Undergraduate Representative | Communications | 2014 |
Jeremy Bonnell | Undergraduate Representative | Environmental Studies | 2013–14 |
Keegan McCaffrey | Undergraduate Representative | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2013–14 |
Moriah Mendicino | Undergraduate Representative | Communications | 2013–14 |
Alexis Scobie | Undergraduate Representative | Political Science | 2013–14 |
David Zimmerman | Undergraduate Representative | Art & Art History | 2014 |
Julie Byle | Undergraduate Representative | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2012–13 |
Nicole Castagneri | Undergraduate Representative | Communications | 2013 |
Allison Kenney | Undergraduate Representative | Anthropology | 2013 |
Haley Midzor | Undergraduate Representative | Business | 2013 |
Martin Miramontes | Undergraduate Representative | Economics | 2013 |
Ashley Sanks | Undergraduate Representative | Political Science | 2012–13 |
Logan Singletary | Undergraduate Representative | Anthropology | 2012–13 |
Ashley Basta | Undergraduate Representative | Humanities | 2011–12 |
Brandon Brunetti | Undergraduate Representative | Physics | 2011–12 |
Michael Bostwick | Undergraduate Representative | Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences | 2011 |
Morgan Seamont | Undergraduate Representative | Anthropology | 2008–10 |
Jeffrey Tran | Undergraduate Representative | Accounting | 2008–10 |
Rory Desmond | Undergraduate Representative | Political Science | 2009 |
Britton Zwack | Undergraduate Representative | Political Science | 2009 |
Patrick Delaurie | Undergraduate Representative | 2008 | |
Amanda Porter | Undergraduate Representative | Psychology | 2008 |
Darin Tooey | Undergraduate Representative | Ethnic Studies | 2008 |
Evy Valencia | Undergraduate Representative | 2008 |