• Click on the course title to view the description of each class.
  • M=Monday, Tu=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, Th=Thursday, F=Friday
  • Click here to download a pdf list of all courses offered Fall 2022 that count toward the WGST major/minor (coming soon)
  • In-Person: This class will be taught in person with all students attending each scheduled class.
    HY-InPerson/Remote: This class will be taught using a combination of in-person and online or remote instruction modes. This means that some coursework may be completed online at a student's own pace (asynchronous) or remotely at designated times, in addition to having an in person meeting pattern. Watch your CU email for more information from the instructor/department prior to the start of classes.
    Remote: This class will be taught synchronously as a remote section, which means classes will be held virtually during the days and times listed.
    HR-Hybrid remote/online: This class will be taught using a combination of online and remote instruction modes.  This means that while some coursework may be completed online at a student’s own pace (asynchronous), the class will also meet remotely at designated days/times each week.
    Online: This class will be taught online and delivered asynchronously which means there are not scheduled days and times. Students can complete the coursework throughout the week when it is convenient for them.

Course Number Course Title Day & Time Instructor Room
WGST 2000-001
Introduces students to the field of Women & Gender Studies. Examines gender issues in the United States from interdisciplinary, multicultural, and feminist perspectives. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Social Sciences
Tu/Th 11-12:15 Atterbury In Person
WGST 2020-001
Examines the construction of gender and sexual identities in the modern world. Focuses on the role of social attitudes and material circumstances in shaping how individuals understand themselves and are understood by others, as well as the actions they take to accept, negotiate and resist these pressures. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Social Sciences
MWF 11:15-12:05 Lawson In Person
HLMS 211
WGST 2050-001
Explores diverse cultural forms such as film, popular fiction and non-fiction, music videos, public art, websites, blogs and zines which are shaped by, and in turn shape popular understandings of gender at the intersections of race, class, ability, religion, nation, and imperialism. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Arts & Humanities
MWF 1:25-2:15 Misri HR-Hybrid remote/online
WGST 2200-001
Introduces the contributions of women to literature and the performing arts from a historical and cross-cultural perspective. Emphasizes representations of gender and sexuality, as well as the cultural contexts in which artworks are created. Stresses issues of structure, content, and style, along with the acquisition of basic techniques of literary and arts criticism. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective, Arts & Humanities
MWF 12:20-1:10 Lawson In Person
WGST 2600-001
Examines the positionality of women in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and power relations in a global context. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective, Social Sciences
Tu/Th 9:30-10:45 Bayard de Volo In Person
WGST 3100-001
Explores how feminist theorists have understood gender and how it interrelates to our understandings of race, ethnicity, sexuality, embodiment and knowledge. Required prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2020 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2600. Meets the requirements for the WGST certificate. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
MWF 1:25-2:15 Potter In Person
WGST 3250-001
Examines the construction of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability in a selection of Disney's animated films. Cultivates skills of media literacy, exploring how mass media acts to enforce and maintain conventional gendered understandings of power, privilege and difference. Analyzes the political economy of the Disney phenomenon through a feminist lens. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
MWF 11:15-12:05 Leone In Person
WGST 3250-002
Examines the construction of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability in a selection of Disney's animated films. Cultivates skills of media literacy, exploring how mass media acts to enforce and maintain conventional gendered understandings of power, privilege and difference. Analyzes the political economy of the Disney phenomenon through a feminist lens. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
MWF 12:20-1:10 Leone In Person
HLMS 211
WGST 3314-001
Focuses on aspects of the victimization of women and girls that are "Gendered" - namely, sexual abuse and intimate partner abuse. Also explores the importance of race, class and sexuality in gendered violence. Recommended prerequisite: SOCY 1016 or WGST 1016. Same as ETHN 3314 and SOCY 3314. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
Potter In Person
ECON 117
WGST 3650-001
Examines Latin American politics with particular focus on women's participation in social movements, war, revolution and elections. Compares women's and men's politics and activism and examines changing gender and sexuality policies, gender relations and the differential impact of political, economic, and social changes on men and women. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2600 or PSCI 2012 or PSCI 3032. Same as PSCI 3052. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective, Social Sciences
Tu/Th 12:30-1:45 Bayard de Volo In Person
WGST 3701-001
Examines selected topics in women, gender and sexuality in the arts and humanities, from a U.S. perspective. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities
MWF 1:25-2:15 Mehta In Person
WGST 3711-001
Through analysis of literature and films by indigenous and non-indigenous writers and filmmakers, we will explore issues of gender in indigenous communities in the Americas, gender roles and power distribution within their communities, and related national and global politics, legal systems, and economies. We will examine the role of women's leadership in indigenous movements for land rights, political sovereignty, and environmental justice; how feminist endeavors relate to these struggles; how indigenous women confront marginalization and invisibility in society as a whole; as well as other topics relevant to the indigenous struggle for land recovery in contemporary history, with special focus on women. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities
Tu/Th 11-12:15 Gómez In Person
WGST 4200-001
Focuses primarily on how Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish conversations about sexuality and reproduction have shaped access and attitudes towards reproductive health in the US over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Same as JWST 4200. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Arts & Humanities
MW 3:35-5:50 Mehta In Person
HLMS 241
WGST 6190-001
Explores feminist methodology across a range of disciplines. Themes include experience and interpretation, the social position of the researcher, language and argument structure, knowledge and power, bias and objectivity, and the ethics and politics of research. Meets the requirements for the WGST certificate.
Montoya In Person
COTT 111
WGST 6796-001
Explores key concepts and debates in the field of queer theory with an interdisciplinary focus on crosscutting issues (aesthetic, cultural, legal, medical, political and social) that shape queer subjectivities, practices and relations.
Soares In Person
COTT 111


Featured Cross-listed classes

Course Number Course Title Day & Time Instructor Room
LGBT 2000-001
Investigates the social and historical meanings of racial, gender, and sexual identities and their relationship to contemporary lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities. Same as WGST 2030. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
Tu/Th 3:30-4:45 Moore In Person
HUMN 141
LGBT 3796-001
Surveys theoretical, critical, and historical writings in the context of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay literature. Examines relationships among aesthetic, cultural and political agendas, and literary and visual texts of the 20th century. Same as ENGL 3796. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities
Soares In Person

For more WGST courses please check with other departments as many of our courses are cross-listed.