Fall 2023 Courses


WGST 2000-001: Introduction to US Gender, Race, and Sexuality Studies
  MWF 1:25-2:15
   KTCH 1B71 In-Person
Introduces students to the field of Women and Gender Studies. Examines gender issues in the United States from interdisciplinary, intersectional and transnational feminist perspectives across a range of US cultural contexts. Covers such topics as gender identity and performance, sexuality, reproductive justice, gendered violence, work and labor, imperialism and war, and the environment.
WGST 2020-001: Femininities, Masculinities, Alternatives
  MWF 11:15-12:05
   LBB 155 In-Person
Examines the construction of gender and sexual identities in the modern world. Focuses on the role of social attitudes and material circumstances in shaping how individuals understand themselves and are understood by others, as well as the actions they take to accept, negotiate and resist these pressures. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Social Sciences
WGST 2050-001: Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
  MWF 10:10-11:00
   HUMN 250 In-Person
Explores diverse cultural forms such as film, popular fiction and non-fiction, music videos, public art, websites, blogs and zines which are shaped by, and in turn shape popular understandings of gender at the intersections of race, class, ability, religion, nation, and imperialism. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Arts & Humanities
WGST 2200: Women, Gender, Literature and the Arts
  MW 3:35-4:50
   HUMN 1B90 In-Person
Introduces the contributions of women to literature and the performing arts from a historical and cross-cultural perspective. Emphasizes representations of gender and sexuality, as well as the cultural contexts in which artworks are created. Stresses issues of structure, content, and style, along with the acquisition of basic techniques of literary and arts criticism. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000
WGST 2600-001: Introduction to Global Gender, Race, and Sexuality Studies​
  Bayard de Volo
  TTH 3:30-4:45
   HUMN 250 In-Person
Introduces students to the field of Women and Gender Studies. Examines gender issues globally from interdisciplinary, intersectional and transnational feminist perspectives across a range of global cultural contexts. Covers such topics as transnational feminism, colonialism and imperialism, indigenous feminisms, religion and politics, immigration and asylum, and climate change.
WGST 3100-001: Feminist Theories
  TTH 12:30-1:45
   LBB 155 In-Person
Explores a variety of alternative systematic accounts of, and explanations for, gender inequities. Social norms of both masculinity and femininity are analyzed in relation to other axes of inequality such as class, sexuality, race/ethnicity, neocolonialism and the domination of nonhuman nature. Requires a prerequisite course of WGST 2000 or WGST 2020 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2600 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) onlyArts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
WGST 3250-001: Disney's Women and Girls
  Shannon Leone
  MWF 12:20-1:10
   KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Examines the construction of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability in a selection of Disney's animated films. Cultivates skills of media literacy, exploring how mass media acts to enforce and maintain conventional gendered understandings of power, privilege and difference. Analyzes the political economy of the Disney phenomenon through a feminist lens. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
WGST 3250-002: Disney's Women and Girls
  Shannon Leone
  MWF 1:25-2:15
   HUMN 125 In-Person
Examines the construction of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability in a selection of Disney's animated films. Cultivates skills of media literacy, exploring how mass media acts to enforce and maintain conventional gendered understandings of power, privilege and difference. Analyzes the political economy of the Disney phenomenon through a feminist lens. A&S Gen Ed: Social Sciences
WGST 3314-001: Violence Against Women and Girls
  TTh 3:30-4:45
   KTCH 1B71 In-Person
Focuses on aspects of the victimization of women and girls that are "Gendered" - namely, sexual abuse and intimate partner abuse. Also explores the importance of race, class and sexuality in gendered violence. Recommended prerequisite: SOCY 1016 or WGST 1016. Same as ETHN 3314 and SOCY 3314.
WGST 3520-001: Gender and Sexuality in Africa 
  MWF 9:05-9:55
   KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Examines the dramatic changes occurring across the continent of Africa that are currently reworking gender and sexuality. Foregrounds African conceptions of feminism, and explores a range contemporary issues, including gender & health, modern womanhood, new African masculinities, LGBTQ rights, and the gendered implications of environmental change. Recommended requisites: WGST or WGST 2600
WGST 3600-001: Latina/xStudies
  TTh 2-3:15
   KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Drawing from work produced by and about Latinas/xs, discusses the social and cultural construction of race and ethnicity alongside gender and sexuality, the function of nationalism, the politics of migration and citizenship, Latina/x literary production and theory, historiographical trends, Latina feminist theory, activism and the academy, and Latina/x political organizing. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2600.
WGST 3610-001: Gender, Race, Science and Technology
  MW 3:35-4:50
    KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Examines the role of science and technology in forming conceptions of race, gender and class, and vice-versa. Considers how some populations benefit from scientific knowledge-production while others are excluded or come to be its subjects. Students will explore this knowledge production through historical, anthropological, literary, and philosophical investigations of technology and scientific inquiry. Recommended requisites: WGST 2000 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2500 or WGST 2600
WGST 3620-001: Women of Color and Activism
  TTh 9:30-10:45
  CEDU 140 In-Person
Surveys the history of social activism in the United States by Women of Color with an emphasis on modes of social activism, issues that have organized specific communities of color, and issues that have crossed ethnic/racial boundaries. In order to offer students a historical understanding of how Women of Color have been marginalized, as well as how they have fought back against this marginalization, this course relies upon historical, sociological, and theoretical readings. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2020 or WGST 2050 or WGST 2600.
WGST 3940-001: Practicum: Gender Justice League
  Bayard de Volo
    COTT 110 In-Person
Enriches the academic experience of majors and minors within Women and Gender Studies. Usually will combine readings from books with lectures and discussions, community outreach and in-house publications spanning the interdisciplinary focus of the department. Repeatable: Repeatable for up to 4.00 total credit hours. Restricted to Womens Studies (WGST) majors or minors only.
WGST 4100-001: Gender and Indigeneity of the Americas in Literature and Film
  TTH 9:30-10:45
    KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Through analysis of literature and films by Indigenous and non-Indigenous writers and filmmakers, this course explores issues of gender in Indigenous communities in the Americas, gender and power distribution within Indigenous communities, related national and global politics, legal and economic systems, migration, and environmental issues, among other topics. This course also studies how colonization and the imposition of patriarchy has transformed Indigenous societies by diminishing the power, status, and material circumstances of Indigenous women. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600.
WGST 6290-001: Topics: Decolonizing Feminism
  Tue 11-1:30 
    COTT 111 In-Person
Offers interdisciplinary feminist perspectives on different special topics such as gender and war, gender and globalization, women's social movements, gender and citizenship, gender and collective memory, and cultural representations of gender and sexuality. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Meets the requirements for the WGST certificate.
WGST 6796-001: Queer Theories
  Fri 11-1:30
    COTT 111 In-Person
 Explores key concepts and debates in the field of queer theory with an interdisciplinary focus on crosscutting issues (aesthetic, cultural, legal, medical, political and social) that shape queer subjectivities, practices and relations.
LGBT 2000-001: Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
  TTH 11-12:15
   MUEN E432 In-Person
Investigates the social and historical meanings of racial, gender, and sexual identities and their relationship to contemporary lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities. Same as WGST 2030. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
LGBT 3796-001: Queer Theory
  MWF 2:30-3:20
   KTCH 1B87 In-Person
Surveys theoretical, critical, and historical writings in the context of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay literature. Examines relationships among aesthetic, cultural and political agendas, and literary and visual texts of the 20th century. Same as ENGL 3796