The Launching Space Biology Workshop will be held at the Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department within the University of Colorado Boulder. CU Aerospace is ranked the Number 1 Public University for receving NASA Research Funds and continuously ranks among the top for both its undergraduate as well as graduate program. The larger Metro Denver region ranks first in private sector aerospace employment out of the 50 largest metropolitan areas, with companies like Ball Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Sierra Space, and United Launch Alliance calling Denver their home base. Colorado ranks as the second largest space economy in the United States. Additionally, with major U.S. Department of Defense, NASA, and commercial activities, Colorado is the U.S. center for military space. The state's four military commands—the primary customers for space-based research, development, acquisition, and operations—ensure industry growth. The Metro Denver region also has a strong cluster of companies involved in geospatial technologies, remote sensing, imaging, and related industries.