Published: March 26, 2020

We understand the transition to distance learning can be a challenge. Below are a few tips and resources to help you be successful in your online and remote summer classes.

Time and place: treat online classes like any other class

  • Plan to work on your class according to a set schedule (e.g., MWF 9:00 am-11:30 am). Consider maintaining a similar schedule to the spring schedule you already established.
  • Put all deadlines for the semester in your calendar. This is always a good practice, but may be more useful now that you don’t have an instructor offering the normal in-person prompts.
  • Have a designated place where you work on your class (e.g., specific rooms in your home, a comfortable outdoor space, anywhere that is noise and distraction-free)
  • Get dressed like you would to go to class
  • Try not to work on the class too late at night
  • Never work on your course work in bed
  • Remember that specific dates/times for assignment deadlines are all in Mountain Time. You can change your default time zone within Canvas so your assignment due dates will be accurate regardless of where you are in the world.
  • Seek external accountability. Set up regular check-ins with academic coach, advisor, tutor, friend, parent to celebrate your successes and help you meet your deadlines.

Continue to utilize resources available on campus

  • Talk to your instructor
    • All instructors are encouraged to have virtual office hours.
  • The Writing Center and the Online Composition Hub provide online writing support.
  • Create virtual study groups
  • Reach out to your advisor
    • Advisors are still available remotely during this time.
  • Use Disability Services accommodations
    • Talk to Disability Services about how your accommodations apply in this new format.
    • Keep lines of communication open with faculty.
  • Utilize Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
    • 303-492-2277 (24/7 support)
  • Take advantage of tutoring
    • If you have already established a tutoring relationship, ask if your tutor will work with you via Zoom.
    • Consider increasing your contact for more regular check-ins.
    • If you are enrolled in an online Continuing Education course, free tutoring is available via Thinking Storm. Look for a link embedded in your Canvas course.