CU's Mock Trial Program

What is mock trial?

Good question! Please click the About Mock Trial button on the left to learn more about mock trial itself.

Who should join CU Mock Trial?

Any CU undergraduate (any age, any major) may try out for and join the mock trial program. There is no required experience and no pre-requisites of any kind. As a mock trial competitor, you will practice your public speaking, performance, acting, and critical thinking skills. You will also build confidence in front of an audience, meet new people (who will quickly become your close friends), and learn about the American legal system.

Many pre-law students are interested in mock trial (and that's great!), but you do not have to be pre-law to join mock trial! Only about half of the members of the CU program are planning to go to law school. Our students are pursuing degrees in natural and social sciences, humanities, and even engineering.

What is the time commitment?

Mock trial is a commitment for the whole academic year. Our season begins in August and ends as late as April.

Members should expect to practice between two and four nights a week for 2 hours. In addition, some work is required on your own time to prepare and practice your own material.

If you are placed on a competitive traveling team, you will travel to 2-5 tournaments starting in October and ending as late as April. Some will be in Colorado (including CU's own Boulder Battle tournament right here in Boulder), and some will require a road trip or plane flight. Tournaments are typically on Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday, sometimes with an extra day for travel before and/or after the tournament. The official travel schedule will be announced after the tryout process is complete. We do our best to minimize mock trial's interference with academics, but occasionally it may be necessary to miss classes. Official academic excuse letters signed by our faculty sponsor will always be available in those situations.

How much does it cost?

We receive funding for most program expenses (registration and tournament fees, major supplies) as well as major travel expenses (hotels).

Mock trial students can expect to spend their own money on personal printing expenses and office supplies, personal travel expenses (like food, gas for travel to local tournaments, etc.), and formal clothing. A suit (pant/skirt suit with matching blazer for women, trousers, and jacket for men) is required for competition.

We do our best to make sure that no one is prevented from joining mock trial because of the cost. If costs are a concern to you, please contact the coaches at the beginning of the season and we will work with you to find a solution. All discussions about personal expenses will remain confidential.