2024 Tryout FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are tryouts?: Trying out is the only thing you need to do to join CU Mock Trial. We don't do cuts, meaning that if you try out, you'll get a spot on our team no matter what!

What kind of person are we looking for to try out?: ANYONE AND EVERYONE. We don't care if you are an engineering major, someone with eight years of mock trial experience, someone with no mock trial experience, someone who wants to be a lawyer, or someone who wants to be an astronaut. Any kind of person can benefit from mock trial and be a valuable contribution to our team.

Why do we do tryouts?: Tryouts are meant to measure skill level, to the extent that tryouts can accurately show skill. Our biggest tip is to not overthink these auditions––you will have plenty of other opportunities to show your knowledge and skill throughout the season. While tryouts will be used to place you on your first team, the final team you will be competing with during regionals will be decided based on your performance, dedication, and sportsmanship during our practices, scrimmages, and competitions.

More than anything, our September tryouts are meant to weed out people who are completely unwilling to speak in front of a small audience. Mock trial is a sport of public speaking, and only those who are willing to have the bravery to step up to speak in the first place can be successful. Simply showing up to auditions is a massive step in your mock trial journey, and we are always ecstatic to work with anyone who is willing to take this first step, regardless of how smoothly your audition goes!

How do tryouts work?: Your tryout will last roughly 15 minutes. You will be asked to prepare an opening statement and answer three questions based on the season's case packet. We'll also ask you a few things about yourself! We recognize that many students are coming in never having done mock trial before, and we take this into account during auditions. We aren't looking for experts––we are only looking for students to try their best with the knowledge and skills they currently possess!

How can I prepare for tryouts?: There will be an audition information session on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 PM in the Wolf Law Building, Room 307. We will discuss what to expect during auditions, what we're looking for in a member, how to read a case packet, and how to write/present an opening statement. This information session will set auditionees up for better success and hopefully ease your nerves about the process!

When are auditions?: Auditions have now concluded for the 2024-25 season.

Where will auditions be?: TBD

Who will be watching my audition?: CU Mock Trial's presidents and coaches will be present at your audition.

Please email cumocktrial@colorado.edu if you want to receive information about tryouts!