MONDAY - Dec 11

“Proboost Multi-fidelity Machine Learning Method for Extreme Space Weather Events”, 09:14 - 09:25, NG11A-05, 203 - South (Level 2, South, MC):  Andong Hu, Enrico Camporeale

“Ethical AI/ML in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences: Risks, Rewards, Principles, and Responsibilities for Researchers”, 13:00 - 14:00, TH13G, 2003 - West (Level 2, West, MC) Town Hall:  Enrico Camporeale, panelist

“Physics-Informed Machine Learning Prediction of Ambient Solar Wind Speed”, 14:10 - 18:30, NG13B-0633, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC):  Enrico Camporeale, Andong Hu

"Quantifying uncertainties in the quiet-time ionosphere-thermosphere using WAM-IPE", 14:10pm - 18:30pm, NG13B-0610, Poster Hall A-C - South - MC:  Weijia Zhan

"Incorporating Direct EUV Irradiance from Solar Images into Thermospheric Density Modelling with Machine Learning", 11:04-11:15, NG12A, 203 - South (Level 2, South, MC):  Tom Berger and FDL-X team

SWORD, NASA booth, 16:00 - 16:15, Exhibit Hall: Tom Berger

TUESDAY - Dec 12                                                                                                                                                                                                 

“Space Weather modeling at the University of Colorado Deep Learning Laboratory”, 08:30 - 12:50, SH21E-2930, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC):  Enrico Camporeale, Andong Hu, Greg Lucas, Brian Michael Swiger, Jenny Knuth, Julie Barnum, Thomas Berger

“Replacing a Mesosphere-Thermosphere GCM’s Upper Boundary with an Equilibrium Exobase”, 09:30-13:50, P21C-3029, Poster Hall A-C-South: Sarah Luettgen

“Evaluating the In-Track Wind Structure Surrounding the ETA Using CHAMP Accelerometry”, 15:10 - 19:30, SA23C-2740, Poster Hall A-C South: Anton Buynovskiy

SWORD Overview, NASA booth, 15:30-15:45, NASA’s Hyperwall: Tom Berger

“GDC Satellites as Instruments for Thermosphere Density and Drag Research”. 17:10-17:20. SA24A-02, 207 – South:  Jeff Thayer                   


“Space weather information architecture and innovative solutions: progress report”, 09:00 - 09:07, SH31B-05, 211 - South (Level 2, South, MC): Arnaud Masson, Shing Fun, Enrico Camporeale, Masha Kuznetsova

“Disturbance Dynamo effects over the equatorial ionosphere and thermosphere”, 09:30AM-13:50PM, SA31C-2875, Poster Hall A-C – South: Luis Navarro

“Thermospheric dynamics studies using the Fabry-Perot Interferometer network in South America”, 09:40-09:50 AM, SA31A-02, 207-South (Level 2, South, NC): Luis Navarro  

“The Space Weather Operational Readiness Development (SWORD) Center – a new NASA Space Weather Center of Excellence”, 10:20--11:50, Space Weather Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination III Oral (SH32B-08), Moscone Center 211-South: Tom Berger

“One Hour Ahead Horizontal Geoelectric Fields Forecast Using a Multi-Fidelity Machine Learning method”, 14:10 - 18:30, SM33D-2973, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC):  Andong Hu, Enrico Camporeale, Greg Lucas


“Unusual Behavior of Low-energy Particles in the Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere: A Herald of Penetrating Electric Fields”, 08:30 - 12:50, SM11D-2538, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC): Delores Knipp, Janet Kozyra, Hannah Marlowe, Liam Kilcommons, Bhagyashree Waghule

"A case for Wavelet Transform (Multi-Resolution Analysis) of Ground Magnetic Field during Solar Superstorms for Understanding Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs)”, 16:50 - 17:00, SM44B-06, 205-206 - South (Level 2, South, MC): Bhagyashree Waghule, Jennifer Gannon, Delores Knipp

FRIDAY - Dec 15

“The Space Weather Data Portal: an open science resource for Heliophysics data exploration”, 14:10--18:30, Union Session: Science for All—Infrastructures and Resources for Open Science II Poster (U53B-0532), Moscone Center Poster Hall A-C South: Tom Berger, Jenny Knuth et al.