External Advisory Board
The SWx TREC External Advisory Board (EAB) consists of academic, industry, commercial, and government agency leaders in the space weather enterprise. The EAB is chartered as a consulting board to help guide SWx TREC research and technology developments and ensure that TREC remains current on space weather trends in the wider global enterprise.
2017–2020 SWx TREC External Advisory Board Members
Name | Position | Organization |
Geoff Crowley | CEO | ASTRA, LLC. |
Nicole Duncan | Advanced Systems Manager | Ball Aerospace, Heliophysics |
Don Hassler | Senior Research Advisor | SWRI Boulder |
Rachel Hock-Mysliwiec | Section Chief | Air Force Research Laboratory, SVD AS-STI |
Steve Jolly | Chief Scientist | Lockheed Martin Space Systems |
Jeff Love | Senior Scientist | USGS Geomagnetism Program |
Scott McIntosh | Director | NCAR/High Altitude Observatory |
Joel Mozer | Chief Scientist | United States Space Force |
Valentin Martinez-Pillet | Director | National Solar Observatory |
Antti Pulkkinen | Deputy Director | NASA/GSFC Heliophysics Division |
Howard Singer | Chief Scientist | NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center |
Kent Tobiska | CEO | Space Environment Technologies |
EAB Charter
- The function of the members of the External Advisory Board (the “Advisory Board”) shall be to advise and make non-binding recommendations to the University of Colorado (CU) Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center (the “Center”) and the Center’s Executive Director with respect to matters within the areas of their experience and expertise.
- The Advisory Board shall have no fewer than nine (9) members and not more than thirteen (13). The members shall be appointed by the Center Executive Director with the advice and consent of the Center Executive Committee. The term of service for members of the Advisory Board will be three years from the date they are appointed or until their successor is duly appointed and qualified or until their earlier resignation, removal by the Director, or other external circumstance. A member of the Advisory Board may be appointed for an additional term upon mutual written agreement between the Executive Director and the member. Center leadership shall appoint one of the members as Chair of the Advisory Board after consultation among the Advisory Board members and consultation between the Center leadership members and the Advisory Board. The Center Executive Director shall have the authority, in their sole and absolute discretion, to remove any member of the Advisory Board at any time for any reason with cause or without cause.
- The Advisory Board shall meet at least two (2) times a year, upon no less than a twenty (20) day notice, with each meeting to be called by the Chair. One of the meetings shall be an “in-person” meeting always held during the week of the Space Weather Workshop in Boulder, CO; any other meetings shall be virtual meetings conducted as a virtual meeting on a date of the Chair’s choosing. The sole responsibility of the members of the Advisory Board shall be to make recommendations to the Center as to matters within the areas of their experience and expertise based on the members’ reasonable research, study, and analysis. The Advisory Board’s role shall be purely ministerial and advisory and the ultimate responsibility for the management of the Center’s business and affairs shall rest with the Executive Director, the Center leadership, and the leadership of the University of Colorado at Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The Center shall have no obligation to adopt, or otherwise be bound to act upon, any recommendation of the Advisory Board, but shall, in its sole and absolute discretion, have the ability to take the Advisory Board’s recommendations under advisement.
- The Center cannot compensate members of the Advisory Board for their services. However the SAB will offer a chance for leaders in the national space weather enterprise to meet, interact with leading scientists from CU and other institutions in Boulder, and have insight into the dynamic and innovative environment of an academic space weather center.