Keith Ulmer
- Associate Professor
Research Interests
My research is in the field of experimental elementary particle physics, which explores the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. I work with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. The LHC represents the Energy Frontier of particle physics by providing very high energy proton-proton collisions, which are recorded and analyzed to study fundamental interactions. My current effort is focused on searches for evidence of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics including searches for supersymmetry, exotic dark matter models, and lepton flavor violation. My group is also active in research and development for future upgrades of the CMS detector with a focus on very high-speed electronics to select and record the most interesting particle collision events. This work includes cutting edge research in real-time data selection utilizing machine learning deployed in FPGAs.
Selected Publications
CMS Collaboration, "Test of lepton flavor universality in B -> K mu+ mu- and B -> K e+ e- decays in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV," Submitted to Reports on Progress in Physics [arXiv:2401.07090 [hep-ex]].
CMS Collaboration, "Anomaly Detection in the CMS Global Trigger Test Crate for Run 3," CMS Detector Performance Summary (2023).
E. Bartz et al., "FPGA-based tracking for the CMS Level-1 trigger using the tracklet algorithm," JINST 15, no. 06, P06024 (2020), [arXiv:1910.09970 [physics.ins-det]].
CMS Collaboration, "Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum," JHEP 1910, 244 (2019) [arXiv:1908.04722 [hep-ex]].
CMS Collaboration, "Search for higgsino pair production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV in final states with large missing transverse momentum and two Higgs bosons decaying via H -> bb," Phys. Rev. D 97, 032007 (2018) [arXiv:1709.04896 [hep-ex]].
CMS and LHCb Collaborations, "Observation of the rare B0s -> mu+mu- decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data," Nature 522 , 68 (2015) [arXiv:1411.4413].
CMS Collaboration, "Search for gluino mediated bottom- and top-squark production in multijet final states in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8TeV," Phys. Lett. B 725, 243 (2013) [arXiv:1305.2390 [hep-ex]
CMS Collaboration, "CMS Tracking Performance Results from early LHC Operation," Eur. Phys. J. C 70, 1165 (2010) [arXiv:1007.1988 [physics.ins-det]].
- BABAR Collaboration, "Observation of CP violation in B0 -> eta'K0 decays," Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 , 031801 (2007) [arXiv:hep-ex/0609052].
- CMS LHC Physics Center (LPC) Distinguished Researcher (2024)
- Marinus Smith Award (2023)
- CU Physics Outstanding Teacher of the Year (2019 - 2020)
- Montague Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar (2016 - 2017)
- CERN Scientific Associate (2015)
- CMS LHC Physics Center (LPC) Distinguished Researcher (2014)
- Walker Prize Amherst College (1997)