Neighborhood Ambassadors Job Description


Role of the Neighborhood Ambassador

Neighborhood Ambassadors (NA) serve as student leaders, assisting off- campus student tenants with their transition to and on-going living experience in their off-campus housing, especially in the University Hill area. NAs provide a network of support for CU students and members of the neighborhood at large by serving as a mentor, connecting students to campus resources, planning programs that will aid in community building efforts, and working with Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations and other campus offices to plan, promote, and implement initiatives specifically focused on off-campus student tenants.

Responsibilities of the Neighborhood Ambassador

Be available to attend bi-weekly staff meetings, coordinate programming, and devote approximately 5-15 hours per week to the position 

Serve as a role model, advocate, and mentor through outreach efforts for off-campus student interests, needs, and rights. 

Help off-campus students make connections to campus resources, academic resources, and student organizations on campus. 

Maintain contact with your assigned neighborhood area and other areas as needed, which may include both students, community members, and community police officers (via face‐to‐face, email, phone, etc.). 

Eligibility Requirements

Maintain good academic standing with your college and be a full‐time registered sophomore, junior or senior undergraduate student (preferably junior/senior) upon hiring. 

  • Student must be residing in off-campus housing for the academic year hired, preferably within the University Hill neighborhood or the East Aurora, Goss Grove or Martin Acres neighborhoods.
  • Willingness and ability to model personal behavior consistent with the CU Colorado Creed, goal‐setting and mentoring for off-campus students. 
  • Ability to work independently as well as a member of a team.

Time Commitment

Neighborhood Ambassador position terms are from time of hire through the following July. For example, if you are hired on Jan. 15, 2023, you're position term is through July 31st, 2023. Possible extension for the following academic year will be based on position performance and needs of the office. 

Approximately 5-15 hours per week; additional hours may be needed for special events. Some hours will be during nights and weekends. Student that want more than 15 hours a week could potentially be accommodated.

**For Fall 2023 start: must be available for 2 day training, August 17 and 18th. 



Job Duties

Door to door outreach

Ambassadors will engage in “Knock and Talks” with student residents that may have caused a disturbance to their community through noise, large gatherings, trash, etc. to help student residents avoid future complaints and work through any neighbor conflict (trainings will be provided to assist with this task).”Knock & Talks” will be done in pairs or groups of other Neighborhood Ambassadors.

Neighborhood Ambassadors will also have regular topics that they take to their residents in their community to educate them on things on-campus and in their community. They distribute marketing literature via door hangers while engaging with residents to build awareness and enhance community engagement. 

Examples: Visiting a home that received a noise complaint, marketing upcoming University events and/or resources, recycling information, city ordinance information,, etc.

Observational walks & feedback: Through regularly assigned shifts, Neighborhood Ambassadors will walk their zones to provide consistent feedback in a tracking system on issues present such as trash or noise issues. These issues will then be addressed in person through “knock and talks.”

Examples: A regular Monday morning walk between Euclid and Pennsylvania on The Hill to document houses that may have party trash left over from the weekend.

Tabling: Neighborhood Ambassadors will host weekly tabling events in the UMC, on the Hill Commercial district or other surrounding neighborhood areas for off-campus students to walk by and learn more about City and University resources. 

Examples: (topics or themes for tabling) Party Registration program, Bear Resistant trash container ordinance, Recycling tips, Appreciation Stations, etc.

Small community gatherings: Multiple times a semester, Neighborhood Ambassadors will  plan and host community building events for their student and nonstudent neighbors.

Examples: Neighborhood dog get together, online game night, craft and cooking grab bags, bowling night, etc. 

Community projects: Each semester Neighborhood Ambassadors identify and critically work through an issue that they have noticed in their zones and come up with a way to target that issue 

Examples: Beautification projects, helping the University Hill Neighborhood Association with projects, going with neighbors to help distribute welcome bags at the start of the semester, cleaning up broken glass, education campaigns about the dangers of fireworks.

Signature events: Each semester Neighborhood Ambassadors will assist with 3-4 signature events on nights and weekends to bring neighbors together. 

Examples: Block parties, Fire Pit Friday event, One-Day-Dog park.

Presentations: Multiple times a month, Neighborhood Ambassadors will assist with or lead informational presentations to students and/or families regarding finding housing and living in Boulder. Ambassadors are expected to be proficient in the presentation slides.

Examples: Leading an informational presentation to first year students in the Residence Halls regarding how to start a housing search or how to be a good neighbor.
