Community Council

Comm council banner

Community Councils are student government bodies that are part of each residence hall, and they are open to any student living in the halls. Students can run for an official seat or attend meetings as a community member. The councils plan and produce events and programs, review and create legislation to advocate for residence hall students and help develop hall identity and tradition.

Being a council member can be a great opportunity to develop leadership experience, collaborate on various projects, effect change in your community and most importantly, have fun!

Our Mission

Community Council is a group of students dedicated to fostering community among students living in the residence halls. All Community Councils hold the core values of leadership, advocacy, inclusion, social connection, tradition, service, recognition, and sustainability.

Get Involved

Are you interested in getting involved in your Community Council? 

Community Council Position Descriptions
Community Council Application 2023-24
CoCo Chairperson Application


  • Thursday, Sept. 14 - Applications for Chairperson due
  • By Friday, Sept.15- Chairperson applicants notified by Hall Director

Meetings are weekly on Tuesdays in the Kittredge Multipurpose Rooms from 6-7 p.m.