Summer 2023 Courses
LGBT 2000-100: Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
Emily Irvin
A term 11:10am-12:45pm
hybrid: remote/online
Investigates the social and historical meanings of racial, gender, and sexual identities and their relationship to contemporary lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities. Same as WGST 2030. A&S Gen Ed: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
WGST 2050-001: Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
Samira Mehta
Explores diverse cultural forms such as film, popular fiction and non-fiction, music videos, public art, websites, blogs and zines which are shaped by, and in turn shape popular understandings of gender at the intersections of race, class, ability, religion, nation, and imperialism. A&S Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective, Arts & Humanities
GRMN 4231: The Invention of Sexuality
Lauren Stone
Augmester T/Th 12:30-3:30
Hybrid Remote/Online
Traces the development of various concepts of sexuality, from ideas inherited from antiquity to the modern invention of homosexuality by German and Austrian sexologists and psychoanalysts, up to and including contemporary queer critiques. Students will also gain an understanding of how cultural beliefs and biases about queer sexualities are rooted in both the history of science and changing/persisting gendered norms. Explores the intersecting philosophical, literary, and ideological underpinnings of process(es) of marginalization of both women and queer sexualit(ies). Same as GRMN 5231. Taught in English.
MDST 4331/WGST 4331: Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Popular Culture
Shaylunn Lesinski
A Term
Studies the construction, interconnections, and replications of gender, race, class, and sexuality in popular culture and how these constructs become cultural norms and mores. Uses critical methods with a focus on producing responsible viewers and readers.
PSCI 3174 / WGST 3174: Sex, Power, and Politics: U.S. Perspectives
Zoe Moss
A Term MTWThF 1pm-2:35pm
MUEN E43 in person
Explores how norms of sex, gender, race and sexuality find expression in institutions and policies in ways that legitimize only certain individuals as political actors, certain identities as politically relevant, and certain relationships as important. Critically examines how norms may be exposed, resisted, and changed by studying the politics of the women's, gay liberation, and men's movements in the U.S. Recommended prerequisite: PSCI 2004 or WGST 2000 or LGBT 2000. Same as WGS