title slide of exit talk

Cori successfully defended her honors thesis!

March 22, 2022

Congratulations to Cori for sucessfully defending her honors thesis! Cori gave an excellent presentation about her work examining links between urbanization, arthropods, chickadee diet, and nestling condition. Cori joined the lab as a freshman and has collected an impressive amount of data since then. Cori will be preparing her work...

Will's talk title slide

Will sucessfully defended his honors thesis!

March 16, 2022

Congratulations to Will for sucessfully defending his honors thesis! Will gave an excellent presentation about his work on house wrens. It turns out that there is a house wren hybrid zone along the Front Range (between eastern and western house wren subspecies) and that our nest box transect spans the...

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Angela selected as an American Scandinavian Foundation Fellow!

March 11, 2022

Congratulations to Angela who recently found out that she was selected as a 2022-2023 American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellow! Funding from this fellowship will allow Angela to continue her investigations on the malaria parasite, Plasmodium relictum , at Lund University. ASF is a fellowship that aims to support collaboration between scholars in...

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Mia, Olivia, and Will receive research grants from the Denver Field Ornithologists!

March 11, 2022

Congratulations to Mia, Olivia, and Will for receiving research grants from the Denver Field Ornithologists! And thanks for the DFO for continuing to support the work being done in our lab. These small research grants make many aspects of research possbile and we feel very fortunate. Mia will use her...

Erik exit talk poster

Erik gave his PhD exit talk!

March 10, 2022

It is a busy semester for members of the Taylor Lab! Erik gave an excellent PhD exit talk this week to a large in person and Zoom audience. Congratulations from the lab, Erik!

a black-capped and a mountain chickadees

Winter fieldwork at the MRS!

Feb. 23, 2022

Mia, Maria, Georgy, and Scott recently spent some time at the MRS banding and taking blood samples from mountain and black-capped chickadees. This field work is being conducted to get an idea of chickadee populations sizes at the MRS as we prepare to install feeders that will allow us to...

mountain chickadee chicks in a nest

Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grants for Mia and Angela!

Jan. 13, 2022

Congratulations to Mia and Angela for being awarded Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grants to support their PhD research! Mia will be using her award to explore the effects of urnabization and elevation on chickadee nestling development and Angela will be using hers to expand on her recent findings that SGS1,...

redpoll finches with Nature Communication Logo

Erik publishes about redpolls in Nature Communications!

Nov. 25, 2021

Congrats to Erik for his recent publication in Nature Communications about an inversion supergene he disocvered in redpoll finches! Redpolls have puzzled birders and taxonomists for centuries because it is difficult to determine what "species" you're looking at. In 2015 Nick Mason and Scott published a paper in Molecular Ecology...

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Fired Up - a new NSF funded graduate training opportunity

Nov. 17, 2021

Starting in July 2022, the EBIO Department will be running a new NSF funded four-week field course for the incoming cohort of graduate students. The grant, led by Dr. Valerie McKenzie , will provide funding for the incoming cohort of EBIO graduate students in 2022 and 2023 to spend 4...

chickadee at feeder

New paper in Current Biology!

Nov. 9, 2021

The product of a very fun collaboration just came out in Current Biology! Using a long term dataset of spatial cognition from a wild population of mountain chickadees in the Sierra Nevada collected by Dr. Vladimir Pravosudov , Dr. Carrie Branch , Ben Sonnenberg, and Angela Pietra, we investigated the...
