chickadee at smart feeder

New funding from the National Science Foundation!

July 2, 2021

We just got the official word of some new funding from NSF! The newly funded work is a collaborative grant with Valdimir Pravosudov at the University of Nevada Ren o. We'll examine the genetic basis of spatial cognition in food-caching mountain chickadees and link genetic variation to natural selection using...

chickadee hatching

An update from the Boulder Chickadee Study Field Crew

June 15, 2021

2021 has been a busy and exciting year for the Boulder Chickadee Study! With COVID subsiding and vaccinations completed we've been able to operate at our normal capacity. Joining the team this summer are Mia Larrieu (PhD student), Olivia Taylor and Will Anderson (undergraduate students supported by UROP and BSI)...

mountain chickadee

Katherine's honors thesis is published in the Journal of Field Ornithology

June 13, 2021

Congratulations to Katherine Feldmann on the publication of her honors thesis in the Journal of Field Ornithology! Her paper quantifies plumage differences between and within black-capped and mountain chickadees and sets the stage for furthering our understanding of the role that plumage might play in hybridization between the two species...

MRS logo

Scott will be the next Director of the Mountain Research Station and will become an INSTAAR Fellow

May 4, 2021

As of June 1, 2021 Scott will be the Director of the CU Boulder Mountain Research Station (MRS) as well as a Fellow of the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR). Scott will be taking over from Dr. Bill Bowman who has been station Director for 31 years. Leading...

Katherine Feldmann

Katherine defended her Master’s Thesis

Jan. 29, 2021

In December 2020, Katherine defended her Master’s Thesis, a project focused on identifying the genomic signatures underlying reproductive isolation in two hybridizing songbirds. Black-capped and Carolina chickadees form a well-studied hybrid zone that spans from New Jersey to Kansas. Katherine’s research, in support of previous studies, identified continued northward movement...
