BCCH in nest

The 6th season of the Boulder Chickadee Study comes to a close

July 17, 2023

With the banding of our final mountain chickadee nest at the CU Boulder Mountain Research Station this morning, the 6th season of the Boulder Chickadee Study comes to an end. Thanks to the hard work of Haley, Nikki, Sara, Will, Ajay, Olivia, Athena, and Macy as well as our numerous...

graphical abstract

Angela publishes in Ornithology

July 1, 2023

Congrats to Angela and her coauthors Kathryn, Mia, and Vanessa for their recently accepted publication in Ornithology ! The lay summary of the paper, which is about avian malaria in our local Colorado chickadees, is below! Lay Summary: Haemosporidians are a diverse group of vector-transmitted parasites that infect birds and...

The lab at Evolution 2023

Evolution 2023 was a success!

July 1, 2023

Abi, Sara, Ajay, Will, Peter, Georgy, and Scott recently attended the 2023 Evolution meeting in Albuquerque New Mexico. This was the first large meeting for Abi, Sara, Ajay, and Will! Sara and Ajay presented posters about their upcoming PhD work, Will gave a talk about his undergraduate work on house...

chickadee livestream

Black-capped chickadee livestream!

May 23, 2023

The 5th season of the Boulder Chickadee Study is in full swing with many chickadees raising young in Boulder and eggs about to hatch the higher elevation sites! One of our landowners has set up a livestream on the black-capped chickadee nest on their property. You can view it here:...

Olivia speaking at the EBIO Club symposium

Olivia defended her honors thesis and gave a talk at the EBIO Club Student Symposium

April 15, 2023

Congratulations to Olivia who recently defended her honors thesis! For her honors thesis Olivia studied the songs of black-capped and mountain chickadees in regions where they both occur (Boulder County, Colorado) compared to regions where they do not overlap. She found that mountain chickadees sound more different from black-capped chickadees...

CFO logo

Haley and Sara are awarded CFO Research Grants

April 10, 2023

Congrats to Haley and Sara who were recently awarded research grants from the Colorado Field Ornithologists! Haley will be using this funding to study the influence of color pattern differences between black-capped and mountain chickadees on aggressive interactions between them, while Sara will be using the funding to study differences...

Crump fellowship

Sara Padula is awarded the Sarah Crump Memorial Fellowship

April 10, 2023

Congratulartions to PhD student Sara Padula who is the first ever recipient of the Sarah Crump Memorial Fellowship. The fellowship was created by the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and Sarah Crump’s family in honor of Sarah Crump (pictured here), who received her PhD from INSTAAR at the...


Congratulations Mia!

Jan. 28, 2023

Congratulations to Mia who recently completed her Master's degree. Mia joined the lab in 2020 and was an integral member of the Boulder Chickadee Study over the last three years. During that time she banded over 250 chickadees and shared her knowledge of birds with numerous members of the public,...

living bird

Chickadee cognition work featured in Living Bird

Jan. 7, 2023

Living Bird, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's publication, recently featured our collaborative work on chickadee spatial cognition in their Winter 2023 issue. This work is conducted with Dr. Valdimir Pravosudov, Dr. Carrie Branch, Ben Sonnenberg, and Dr. Georgy Semenov. Click the link to learn more: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/harsh-mountain-winters-have-made-chickadees-smarter/

mountain chickadee

Kathryn publishes in Global Change Biology

Oct. 28, 2022

Congrats to Kathryn and her co-authors Theresa Burg and Ken Otter for their recent paper in Global Change Biology . One of Kathryn's main thesis chapters, this paper describes the relationship between human landscape disturbance and hybridization between black-capped and mountain chickadees. Our local work with t he Boulder Chickadee...
