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Energy Modeling of Typical Commercial Buildings in Support of ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient Energy Rating Program

Large scale building simulation

The objective of this research is to reconcile the differences between the empirical and modeled baselines for energy performance comparison for new and existing commercial buildings, allowing seamless translation of building energy performance metrics among LEED, Standard 90.1, Standard 189.1, Standard 100, and the bEQ As Designed and In Operation ratings. This research is to:

  1. Evaluate and characterize the variability of EUI with building characteristics for standard building types using both statistical analysis of CBECS data and parametric variation of prototype energy models.
  2. Develop a set of modeling assumptions and correction procedures that provide consistent baselines for energy performance metrics for new and existing commercial buildings based on measured EUI of existing buildings.
  3. Validate the modeling assumptions and correction procedures by demonstrating that energy models of buildings with average construction characteristics predict median energy performance.
  4. Using the methods developed above, develop a procedure to relate the EUI of an ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 compliant building to the median EUI of existing buildings of the same type and in the same climate.


University of Miami

Open Source Release

During the project, we have develop new prototype building energy models based on the CBECS data. Those models have been open source released at Building Energy Models for Commercial Buildings Based on CBECS Data

Press Release


Ph.D. Thesis:

Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings