Transparent Electrodes

Self-limited plasmonic welding of silver nanowire junctions, E.C. Garnett, W. Cai, J.J. Cha, F. Mahmood, S.T. Connor, M.G. Christofor, Y. Cui, M.D. McGehee, M.L. Brongersma, Nature Materials 11 (2012) 241.

Smooth Nanowire/Polymer Composite Transparent Electrodes, W. Gaynor, G.F. Burkhard, M.D. McGehee, P. Peumans, Advanced Materials, 23 (2011) 2905.

Transparent electrode requirements for thin film solar cell modules, M.W. Rowell, M.D. McGehee, Energy and Environmental Science, 4 (2011) 131.

Electrospun Metal Nanofiber Webs as High-Performance Transparent Electrode, H. Wu, L. Hu, M.W. Rowell, D. Kong, J.J. Cha, J.R. McDonough, J. Zhu, Y. Yang, M.D. McGehee, Y. Cui, Nano Letters, 10 (2010) 4242.

Charge Transport in Interpenetrating Networks of Semiconducting and Metallic Carbon Nanotubes, M.A. Topinka, M.W. Rowell, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, M.D. McGehee, D.S. Hecht, G. Gruner, Nano Letters, 9 (2009) 1866.

Organic Solar Cells with Carbon Nanotube Network Electrodes, M.W. Rowell, M.A. Topinka, M.D. McGehee, H.J. Prall, G. Dennler, N.S. Sariciftci, L. Hu, G. Gruner, Applied Physics Letters, 88 (2006), 233506.