Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells
Charge-Carrier Mobility Requirements for Bulk Heterjounction Solar Cells with High Fill Factor and External Quantum Efficiency >90%, J.A. Bartelt, D. Lam, T.M. Burke, S.M. Sweetnam, and M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 5 (2015) 1500577
Beyond Langevin Recombination: How Equilibrium Between Free Carriers and Charge Transfer States Determines the Open-Circuit Voltage of Organic Solar Cells, T.M. Burke, S. Sweetnam, K. Vandewal, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 5 (2015) 1500123
Characterization of the Polymer Energy Landscape in Polymer:Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions with Pure and Mixed Phases, S. Sweetnam, K. R. Graham, G. O. Ngongang Ndjawa, T. Heumueller, J. A. Bartelt, T. M. Burke, W. Li, W. You, A. Amassian, M.D. McGehee, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (2014) 14078-14088.
Importance of the Donor:Fullerene Intermolecular Arrangement for High-Efficiency Organic Photovoltaics, K.R. Graham, C. Cabanetos, J. P. Jahnke, M.N. Idso, A. El Labban, G. O. Ngongang Ndjawa, T. Heumueller, K. Vandewal, A. Salleo, B. F. Chmelka, A. Amassian, P. M. Beaujuge, M.D. McGehee, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (2014) 9608-9618.
How High Local Charge Carrier Mobility and an Energy Cascade in a Three-Phase Bulk Heterojunction Enable >90% Quantum Efficiency, T.M. Burke and M.D. McGehee, Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 1923-1928.
Controlling Solution-Phase Polymer Aggregation with Molecular Weight and Solvent Additivies to Optimize Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, J.A. Bartelt, J.D. Douglas, W.R. Mateker, A. El Labban, C.J. Tassone, M.F. Toney, J.M.J. Fréchet, P. Beaujuge, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 4 (2014) 1301733.
Recombination in Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells with Open-Circuit Voltages Approaching and Exceeding 1.0 V, E.T. Hoke, K. Vandewal, J.A. Bartelt, W.R. Mateker, J.D. Douglas, R. Noriega, K.R. Graham, J.M.J. Fréchet, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 3 (2013) 220.
The Importance of Fullerene Percolation in the Mixed Regions of Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, J.A. Bartelt, Z.M. Beiley, E.T. Hoke, W.R. Mateker, J.D. Douglas, B.A. Collins, J.R. Tumbleston, K.R. Graham, A. Amassian, H. Ade, J.M.J. Fréchet, M.F. Toney, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 3 (2013) 364.
Molecular Packing and Solar Cell Performance in Blends of Polymers with a Bisadduct Fullerene, N.C. Miller, S. Sweetnam, E.T. Hoke, R. Gysel, C.E. Miller, J.A. Bartelt, X. Xie, M.F. Toney, M.D. McGehee, Nano Letters, 12 (2012) 1566.
Factors Governing Intercalation of Fullerenes and Other Small Molecules Between the Side Chains of Semiconducting Polymers Used in Solar Cells, N.C. Cates Miller, E. Cho, R. Gysel, C. Risko, V. Coropceanu, C.E. Miller, S. Sweetnam, A. Sellinger, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, J.-L. Bréda, M.F. Toney, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, 2 (2012) 1208.
Free Carrier Generation in Fullerene Acceptors and Its Effect on Polymer Photovoltaics, George F. Burkhard, Eric T. Hoke, Zach M. Beiley, and Michael D. McGehee, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 116 (2012) 26674-26678.
Use of X-Ray Diffraction, Molecular Simulations, and Spectroscopy to Determine the Molecular Packing in a Polymer-Fullerene Bimolecular Crystal, N.C. Cates Miller, E. Cho, M.J.N. Junk, R. Gysel, C. Risko, D. Kim, S. Sweetnam, C.E. Miller, L.J. Richter, R.J. Kline, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, A. Amassian, D. Acevedo-Feliz, C. Knox, M.R. Hansen, D. Dudenko, B.F. Chmelka, M.F. Toney, J.-L. Bréda, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Materials, 24 (2012) 6071.
Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells with Power Conversion Efficiencies of 2.5% using Benzothiadiazole/Imide-Based Acceptors J.T. Bloking, X. Han, A.T. Higgs, J.P Kastrop, L. Pandey, J.E. Norton, C. Risko, C.E. Chen, J.L. Brédas, M.D. McGehee, A. Sellinger, Chemistry of Materials, 23 (2011) 5484-5490.
Morphology-Dependent Trap Formation in High Performance Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, Z.M. Beiley, E.T. Hoke, R. Noriega, J. Dacuńa, G.F. Burkhard, J.A. Bartelt, A. Salleo, M.F. Toney, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Energy Materials, (2011).
The Phase Behavior of a Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction System that Contains Bimolecular Crystals, N. Cates Miller, R. Gysel, C.E. Miller, E. Verploegen, Z. Beiley, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, Z. Bao, M.F. Toney, M.D. McGehee, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 49 (2011) 499.
Accounting for Interference, Scattering, and Electrode Absorption to Make Accurate Internal Quantum Efficiency Measurements in Organic and Other Thin Solar Cells, G.F. Burkhard, E.T. Hoke, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Materials, 22 (2010) 3293.
Effects of Intercalation on the Hole Mobility of Amorphous Semiconducting Polymer Blends, N.C. Cates, R. Gysel, J.E.P. Dahl, A. Sellinger, M.D. McGehee, Chemistry of Materials, 22 (2010) 3543.
Tuning the Properties of Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells by Adjusting Fullerene Size to Control Intercalation, N.C. Cates, R. Gysel, Z. Beiley, C.E. Miller, M.F. Toney, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, M.D. McGehee, Nano Letters, 9 (2009) 4153.
Incomplete Exciton Harvesting from Fullerenes in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, G.F. Burkhard, E.T. Hoke, S.R. Scully, M.D. McGehee, Nano Letters, 9 (2009) 4037.
Bimolecular Crystals of Fullerenes in Conjugated Polymers and the Implications of Molecular Mixing for Solar Cells, A.C. Mayer, M.F. Toney, S.R. Scully, J. Rivnay, C.J. Brabec, M. Scharber, M. Kopppe, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Functional Materials, 19 (2009) 1173.
Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Using Poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecyllthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2,-b]thiophene), J.E. Parmer, A.C. Mayer, B.E. Hardin, S.R. Scully, M.D. McGehee, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 113309.
Long-Range Resonant Energy Transfer for Enhanced Exciton Harvesting for Organic Solar Cells, S.R. Scully, P.B. Armstrong, C. Edder, J.M.J. Frechet, M.D. McGehee, Advanced Materials, 19 (2007) 2961.
Effects of Optical Interference and Energy Transfer on Exciton Diffusion Length Measurements in Organic Semiconductors, S.R. Scully, M.D. McGehee, Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 034907.
Resonance Energy Transfer from Organic Chromophores to Fullerene Molecules, Y. Liu, M.A. Summers, S.R. Scully, M.D. McGehee, Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2006) 093521.