Reading Projects
ICARE: Independent Adaptive Comprehensive Reading Evaluation
Funded by the Institute of Educational Sciences (PI: Barbara Wise, coI Sarel Van Vuuren), ICARE aims to create theoretically-grounded computerized assessments which provide initial instructional profiles for poor readers from 2nd to 5th grade, and indicate whether they have difficulties relating to word reading, to language comprehension or both.
Early-ICARE: E-Independent Comprehensive Adaptive Reading Evaluation
unded by the Institute of Educational Sciences (PI: Barbara Wise, co-Is Lynn Snyder, Sarel Van Vuuren, Ed Wiley), E-ICARE extends ICARE down to KG, adds dynamic repeated assessment of word reading K-5, and also studies what predicts who will become a struggling reader.
CARLA: Comprehensive Adaptive Reading & Learning Assistance
ARLA is a comprehensive personalized reading intervention system (B Wise, S Van Vuuren, N Ngampatipatpong, with funding from NIH; grounded on earlier programs (ROSS and FtL) funded by NIH, IES, & an IERI). CARLA integrates all 5 domains of evidence-based reading instruction, gradually changing its balance of thoughtful instruction from more time in engaging activities for earlier readers to more time in books as readers progress. Its fidelity of treatment makes it a great platform for studying what works best for children with different cognitive profiles.
CARTI: Computer Assisted Response To Intervention
Funded by a grant from the NIH to Barbara Wise, Sarel Van Vuuren, and Brian Byrne as project V of the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (R. Olson, Center Director), CARTI studies questions about Response to Instruction (RTI) with children at risk for or with reading difficulties using the CARLA program and the ICARE and Early ICARE programs.
Charles & Helen Schwab Foundation
Completed. Barbara Wise and Sarel Van Vuuren received funding from the Schwab Foundation for a pilot to take representative activities from CARLA to the Web. This project led to a current proposal to IES to take the entire CARLA program to the Web and add new capabilities. Major effort was completed by N. Ngampatipatpong, J. Tuantranont, S. Van Vuuren, R. Bowen, and B. Wise.