Publication List
- R.K. Bay#, A.M. Hancock, A.S. Dill-Macky+,Hao Nghi Luu+,S.S. Datta#, “3D printing bacteria to study motility and growth in complex 3D porous media” Journal of Visualized Experiments (2024).
- X. Xu, N. Gillomaitre, K. Chrisstie, R.K. Bay, N. Bizmark, S.S. Datta, Z.J. Ren, R. Priestley, "Quick Release Anti-Fouling Hydrogels for Solar-Driven Water Purification", ACS Central Science (2023).
- A. Martínez-Calvo, T. Bhattacharjee, R.K. Bay, H.N. Luu+, A.M. Hancock, N.S. Wingreen, S.S. Datta, "Morphological instability and roughening of growing 3D bacterial colonies", PNAS (2022).
- R.K. Bay, T. Zhang, S. Shimomura, M. Ilton, K. Tanaka, R.A. Riggleman, A.J. Crosby, “Decoupling the impact of entanglements and mobility on the failure properties of ultrathin polymer films”, Macromolecules (2022).
- C. Chen, C.A. Airoldi, C.A. Lugo, R.K. Bay, B.J. Glover, A.J. Crosby, “Flower inspiration: Broad-angle structural color through tunable hierarchical wrinkles in thin film multilayers”, Advanced Functional Materials (2021).
- R.K. Bay*, K. Zarybnicka*, J. Jančář, A. J. Crosby, “Mechanical Properties of Ultrathin Polymer Nanocomposites”, ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2020).
- W.J. Choi*, R.K. Bay*, A. J. Crosby, “Tensile Properties of Ultrathin Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate Films”, Macromolecules (2019).
- R.K. Bay, A. J. Crosby, “Uniaxial Extension of Ultrathin Freestanding Polymer Films”, ACS Macro Letters (2019).
- R.K. Bay, S. Shimomura, Y. Liu, M. Ilton, A. J. Crosby, “Confinement Effect on Strain Localization in Glassy Polymers”, Macromolecules (2018).
#denotes Bay as corresponding author *Denotes equal contributions + Denotes undergraduate researcher