David Shneer has been Director of the Jewish Studies Program since his arrival at the University of Colorado in 2008.
When David first arrived at CU in 2008 the program was just about two years old, offered a Certificate in Jewish Studies and the university had only two faculty positions in Jewish/Hebrew Studies. Thanks to his work as Director we now have four new dedicated full faculty lines, an endowed Professorship in Israel/Palestine Studies, a Major and a Minor with two-tracks in Jewish Studies with about 50 students enrolled in these, extraordinarily creative course offerings, and a great Jewish Studies staff. While being a confident and capable leader, he has also organized the Program into well-functioning administrative committees and is excellent at delegating tasks.
David has made the Program an essential part of the Boulder/Denver Jewish community by creating a close working relationship with institutions/individuals in the community, so that the community and the Program (and thus CU) see themselves as inextricably bonded.
He also has done an outstanding job of fund-raising and bringing archives and many notable collections to the University of Colorado, making it the go-to place for research on Post-Holocaust American Judaism, which blends seamlessly with the unique Mazal Holocaust archive he was instrumental in acquiring.
What can I say but that David has been an inspirational Director and leader for the Program of Jewish Studies. His strong intellect, incredible creativity and superb diplomatic skills have propelled the Program to heights that could not have been imagined when he first arrived at CU. His kindness, generosity of spirit and superb diplomatic skills have encouraged us all. We give him our thanks for his hard work, and tireless energy, and wish him a Hazak v’Ematz (strength and courage) from here on, as we are sure he will go from strength to strength.