To fulfill a core mission of conducting interdisciplinary research, the Institute of Cognitive Science has engaged in a wide array of collaborations with 84 unique partners here at CU Boulder and across the country. As a result of engaging in a large number of multidisciplinary collaborative work, the Institute pushes forward new theoretical and innovative work that spans a wide field of interrelated disciplines. 

Examples of collaborators:

  • Within CU: ATLAS Institute, Computer Science, School of Education, Institute of Behavioral Genetics, Integrative Physiology, Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, National Snow and Ice Data Center
  • Universities: Collaborations with 36 universities here and abroad
  • Federal and State organizations: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Colorado Department of Human Services; Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
  • School districts such as: Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) and Denver Public Schools
  • Corporations: BBN/Raytheon, Google, IPSoft, SparkFun Electronics, Oculus, Samsung, PainQx, and Intel
  • Not-for-Profit Companies and Foundations: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, John Templeton Foundation, NARSAD, Raikes Foundation, Walton Family Foundation

Learn more about our collaborations>>