Note:  Timelines are tentative and all dates, etc. are subject to change.

A&S Website for reappointment, promotion, and tenure:

VCAC Checklist/Description of VCAC Checklist Requirements

Guidance for PUEC

Mar:   Dept chair appoints PUEC committee (three tenured faculty members).

Mar/Apr: two peer evaluation letters + classroom interviews (faculty member conducting classroom interviews can also write a peer evaluation letter) + student letters solicited by staff (also solicit student letters from all graduate students in program).

March 15:  List of external reviewers due to PUEC chair. Guidance for PUEC

March/April:  Draft of research materials due to PUEC (publications, cv, and research statement).  Contact PUEC chair for deadline.  Information on candidate materials   Guidance for PUEC

March/April:  PUEC chair and department chair list of external reviewers due

March/April: PUEC chair notifies committee of letter assignments

May 15:  Research materials due to department business manager (publications, cv, and research statement).  Contact department business manager if you are submitting a book – we may need you to purchase additional copies of your book (with dept funds) to send out to external reviewers.  Information on candidate materials

May/June:  send out publications, cv, and research statement to external reviewers (external reviewer letters due third week of August).

June/July:  Draft faulty teaching and service statements, and additional teaching materials due to PUEC (contact PUEC chair for deadline). Information on candidate materials  Guidance for PUEC

Aug 1:  Faulty teaching and service statements, and additional teaching materials due to department business manager (additional teaching materials should be submitted in one pdf file). 

Aug 21:  external review letters due to PUEC chair

late Aug/early Sept:  PUEC + dept chair meeting (1 hr). PUEC committee members should submit a draft of their portion of the PEUC letter to the PUEC chair 1-3 days before the September PEUC meeting/vote.  Information on PUEC lettersGuidance for PUEC (A&S website)

September:  candidate should be given access to dossier (excluding confidential materials such as external and student letters).

Sept (early/mid):  PUEC + dept chair meeting, PUEC votes (1 hr). PEUC committee members should submit a final draft of their portion of the PUEC letter to the PUEC chair 2-5 days after this meeting. Information on PUEC lettersGuidance for PUEC (A&S website)

Sept (mid): Draft PUEC letter due to department chair for review (chair should have five days to review). Information on PUEC lettersGuidance for PUEC (A&S website)

Sept (mid-late): Draft PUEC letter due to candidate to review for accuracy (candidate should have three days to review).  PUEC letter should include votes on teaching, service, research and promotion/tenure.

Sept 30:  PUEC letter due.  Department chair should review a draft of letter.  Once chair has reviewed, have faculty member review letter for accuracy.

Early October: voting faculty review dossier (2 weeks)

Mid-late October:  department meeting & vote (all ranks above), PUEC does vote

October 26: Draft of Chair’s letter due to candidate to review for accuracy.  Chair’s letter should mention a vote that includes the voting faculty and PUEC (e.g. "The department met on 12 September 2015 and voted 7-0-0; this tally includes the votes of the PUEC.")  Chair's letter should include votes on teaching, service, research and promotion/tenure.

Late October:  Chair’s letter due. 

November 1:  Dossier due to A&S.  Include “legend” listing external evaluators (including title and institution).  If all evaluators agreed to write letters, include sentence at end of legend:  “All evaluators we contacted agreed to write a letter for Prof. XXXXX’s case.”  If some evaluators were unable to write a letter, include names of those evaluators and why they weren’t able to write a letter.  Before classroom interviews, include a cover sheet with the following:  “Faculty member observing class met with students at end of class, after teaching faculty member had been excused.  All students were asked to fill out classroom interview form, and all returned forms are included in dossier.”