Use the CU Class Search to search by core, gen ed, specific subjects, keywords, instructors, etc. for the current and upcoming semesters.
For Russian courses taught in Russian, search the CU Boulder Course Catalog for "RUSS" prefix. For culture courses taught in English, search the CU Boulder Course Catalog for "REES" prefix. Not every course listed is offered each semester.
Major Requirements and Minor Requirements are also available in the CU Catalog online.
A&S Policy on Enrollment in Undergraduate Language Courses
Special Topics for Fall 2023:
RUSS 4210-3. Open Topics in Russian Culture: Understanding Ukraine: Culture, Diversity, Conflict,. Taught in English.
Check out our Flipgrid with short videos from Russian instructors about their classes in spring 2021
New for Spring 2021
RUSS 3251 (3) Arctic Noir: Environment, Landscape and Literature of the Far North Explores 19th- and 20th-century Russian and Nordic literature, film and television with a special emphasis on the role of extremes of geography and climate and physical space on the development of plot and character. Taught in English.
Special Topics for Spring 2020
RUSS 4850/5850-4. Russian Film and Society (Taught in Russian)
Explores major Soviet films from 1930-1999, ranging from the Soviet to post-Soviet period. All the films covered are well-known in Russia, and many are considered classics, still referenced in everyday popular culture and speech. Some films have even been remade in the post-Soviet era due to their popularity and cultural influence. The main focus of the course is to develop and enhance students’ Russian conversational and analytical skills in the context of examining the realities of the Russian (or Soviet) way of life (быт). Students will examine and discuss the historical, cultural, social, and political influences as they are depicted in each film. The course is taught in Russian and is geared towards building language proficiency according to the ACTFL readiness standards.
Special Topics for Spring 2019
RUSS 4210-3. Open Topics in Russian Culture: Vladmir Nabokov
Studies the major novels and short stories of Vladimir Nabokov, one of the 20th-century’s most celebrated and controversial literary figures. Nabokov’s works examine the relationship between memory and lived experience, fiction and reality, and nature and art, often blurring these categories. Readings include Pale Fire, Lolita, Invitation to a Beheading, Despair, Pnin, and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, among others. Taught in English. Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: RUSS 5210 Repeatable: Repeatable for up to 6.00 total credit hours. Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
New Courses for Spring 2019
RUSS 2271 (3) Space, Invention, and Wonder in Fairy Tales, Literature and Film
Explores the themes of space, invention, technology and wonder in fairy tales from Italian, Russian, French, German, and Spanish traditions in order to compare their transformation in different national and historical settings. Students analyze the intersection of fairy tales and science in literature and film. Counts for the Space Minor. Taught in English. Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: ITAL 2271 Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities