The Graduate School is committed to offering a wide spectrum of resources to assist graduate students through the research and writing aspects of their masters or doctorate degree. Our Grad+ Endurance PhD/MA Seminar Series help students set goals and maintain good writing habits, while fostering relationships with peers across disciplines. Open to all graduate students seeking masters and doctorate degrees.

Registration for the 2022 spring semester is now closed.


What is Grad+ Endurance PhD/MA Seminar?

We offer weekly online seminars and workshops throughout the semester designed for MA and PhD students.

Why should I attend?

Graduate students face unique challenges. This accountability seminar helps new graduate students set goals, manage their time efficiently, and maintain good writing habits, while fostering relationships with peers across disciplines.

We grow community through continued contact by encouraging grad students to attend each week and report their progress to their peers. The goal of the seminars is to build effective tool sets for improving work efficiency and productivity. We highly encourage consistent weekly attendance via zoom online meetings or the in-person offerings. 

What can I expect? 

The seminar is about graduate research and writing tailored to personality and values. We review skills and tools for time management and productivity, as well as focus on accountability and goal-setting. We focus on the theme of Mastering the Four-Hour Productivity Block.

What if it's my first time attending? 

We recommend you check out Introduction to Enduance PhD/MA (formerly titled Build Your Base) first. After taking a year of the introduction seminar series, you can switch to the non-intro session. 

What if I have more questions? 

Check out our FAQ page

Missed a workshop? Want to watch online?

Due to the interactive nature of the weekly seminar series, we don't record the weekly sessions. However, we do occasionally record and post other workshops for later viewing. Check out our CU Boulder Graduate School YouTube channel to explore more. 

Watch the webinar on time management and focus

Watch the webinar on career planning 101 for graduate students.