The online seminar is about dissertation writing tailored to personality and values. We meet each week on Zoom. We focus on the theme of Mastering the Four-Hour Productivity Block. We are devoted to accountability, where each participant reports on their progress and goals for the week (e.g., “This week I’m going to finish the outline for Chapter 3.”)
There are many dates offered because we hold seminars via Zoom every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Participants attend one seminar online every week. Consistent attendance is crucial for accountability because you have to show up and report to your peers how your progress looks. Since people try to attend the same seminar each week, we grow the community through continued contact.
In addition to the seminars, drop-ins are welcome at the Write-Ins.
The writing accountability seminars are meant to be attended once a week, every week. The goal is to create a consistent group that meets weekly, rather than irregular drop-in workshops.
First, we ask that you please take the Enneagram Quiz and The Four Tendencies Quiz.
Second, we ask that you please RSVP here.
Third, bring your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals to share with the group.
All graduate students are welcome to join our Graduate Writing Program events. The write-ins are open to drop-ins and no RSVP is necessary.
For the Grad+ seminars, we welcome new members at the beginning of every semester. Because we try to maintain consistent weekly attendance to encourage community and accountability, we prefer that people do not just "drop-in" once, but instead make a commitment to attending each week. Feel free to attend any of the seminars, and we encourage you to RSVP before attending your first one.