Research Interests
The processes that determine the hydrochemistry and biogeochemistry of high-elevation basins including the storage and release of solutes from the snowpack, biogeochemical modifications of snowpack runoff, nutrient cycling, and hydrologic pathways and residence time. Current projects include the Rocky Mountains, Ecuadorian and Bolivian Andes, and Central Asian areas of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, and China.
Recent Courses Include
- Spring 2017 GEOG 3251 (3) Mountain Geography
- Spring 2017 GEOG 4311/5100-001 (3) Watershed Biogeochemistry
- Fall 2016 GEOG 3251 (3) Mountain Geography
- Fall 2016 GEOG 5241-001 (3) Topics in Physical Geog: Mountain Hydrology
- Spring 2016 GEOG 4321/5321 (4) Snow Hydrology
Selected Publications
Leopold M, Williams MW, Caine N, Volkel J, Dethier D. (2011). Internal Structure of the Green Lake 5 Rock Glacier, Colorado Front Range, USA. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI:10.1002/ppp.706
Freppaz M, D Godone, G Filippa, M Maggioni, S Lunardi, MW Williams, E Zanini. (2010). Soil Erosion Caused by Snow Avalanches: A Case Study in the Aosta Valley (NW-ITALY). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 412-421.
Schmidt S.K., R.C. Lynch, A.J. King, D. Karki, M.S. Robeson, L. Nagy, M.W. Williams, M.S. Mitter, and K.R. Freeman. (2010). Phylogeography of microbial phototrophs in the dry valleys of the high Himalayas and Antarctica. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, pp 1-7. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.1254
Williams MW, TA Erickson, and JL Petrzelka. (2010). Visualizing meltwater flow through snow at the centimetre-to-metre scale using a snow guillotine. Hydrological Processes. DOI:10.1002/hyp.7630
Filippa G, M Freppaz, MW Williams, E Zanini. (in press). Major Element Chemistry in inner-alpine Snowpacks (Aosta Valley Region, North Western Italy). Cold Regions Science and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.07.005
Publications updated February 2011