Citation Guide
Genders Future Tense adheres to the author-date system with limited endnotes as described in The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, especially Chapter 15. Please see the examples below for how to reference common types of sources.
Sources should be cited in the text, in parentheses, by the author’s last name, the publication date of the work cited, and a page number if needed, for example (Warner 2005, 35). If the author and work referenced can be understood from the context of the sentence, then only the page number need be referenced parenthetically, for example (35). Multiple citations should be listed in chronological order and, if two works were published in the same year, listed alphabetically within that year, for example (Savran 2003; Love 2007; Floyd 2009; Stockton 2009; Harker 2013).
Endnotes may be included in a manuscript to comment on or add text that is ancillary to the main thrust of the argument, however we request that endnotes be used minimally.] Endnotes are [also] used instead of parenthetical references for citations of more than three works, archival materials, unpublished interviews, and legal cases.
Full publication information for each text cited in the manuscript should appear in a “Works Cited” list at the end of the document, and only those works referenced in the text of the manuscript itself should appear on that list.
If you have created the references in your manuscript using the notes-and-bibliography system, then you can easily adapt to author-date references. In almost all cases this will merely involve a reordering of the elements of the reference, including notably the position of the year of publication. Unlike a bibliography, the Works Cited list must correspond to the works referenced in the manuscript. Text citations differ from footnote references by presenting only the author’s last name and year of publication, followed by a page number or locator, if applicable.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. 2003. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Durham: Duke University Press.
Munford, Rebecca, and Melanie Waters. 2014. Feminism & Popular Culture: Investigating the Postfeminist Mystique. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Abel, Elizabeth, ed. 1982. Writing and Sexual Difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Book Chapter or Article in an Edited Collection
Dussauge, Isabelle, and Anelis Kaiser. 2012. “Re-Queering the Brain.” In Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science, edited by Robyn Bluhm, Anne Jaap Jacobson, and Heidi Lene Maibom, 121-144. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Article
Weigman, Robyn. 2015. “Eve’s Triangles, or Queer Studies beside Itself.” Differences: A Journal of Cultural Feminist Studies 26 (1): 48-73.
More than One Citation by Same Author
Braidotti, Rosi. 1994. Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press
———. 2011. Nomadic Theory: The Portable Rosi Braidotti. New York: Columbia University Press.
More than One Citation by Same Author in the Same Year
Chen, Mel Y. 2012a. Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect. Durham: Duke University Press.
———. 2012b. “Masked States and the ‘Screen’ Between Security and Disability.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 40 (1-2): 76-96.
Newspaper or Magazine Article
Sengupta, Somini. 2015. “Xi Vows to ‘Reaffirm’ Women’s Rights Efforts.” New York Times, September 28.
Beauvoir, Simone de. (1949) 2011. The Second Sex. Translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier. New York: Vintage. Citations refer to the Vintage edition.
Boys Don’t Cry. 2000. Directed by Kimberly Pierce. Beverly Hills: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.
Presentation at a Conference or Annual Meeting
Puar, Jasbir. 2013. “Against Longevity: Rethinking Biological Citizenship.” Paper presented at Gendered Democracies, University of Bergen, Norway, October.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pujol, Eve. 2008. “Knowledge, Gender, and Power in the Contemporary Mexican Narrative.” PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin Madison.
Note: Please refer to our guidelines on obtaining permissions in order to determine whether you must seek permission to include a source, including notably any images, in your manuscript. All permissions to use lengthy quotations or images that are not created by the author are the responsibility of the author.