Clean Air For Schools Project
This project serves to implement a program that provides a systemic network of indoor air quality monitors in Colorado schools that receive HEPA portable air cleaners (PACs) through CDPHE’s Clean Air for Schools Program. PACs can supplement existing air handling systems to help improve air circulation while reducing common indoor air pollutants in classrooms. When used as part of a school facility’s operation management toolkit, indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring can help facility managers and staff understand in real-time when classroom air filtration needs to be addressed or when ventilation needs to be increased. IAQ monitoring combined with the supplemental air filtration PACs provide, are valuable in the management and maintenance of a healthy indoor environment for all students and staff. Through the “Clean Air for Schools” program, CDPHE will provide PACs for approximately 30,000 classrooms, with strategic deployments prioritized in approximately 50-70% of the K-12 schools across the state of Colorado (approximately 1,000 to 1,400 schools) by the end of the project period (July 31, 2023). The goal of this project with the “Clean Air for Schools” program is to complement the PAC distribution by implementing an air monitoring network in approximately 2,400 classrooms in Colorado K-12 schools.
Dr. Hernandez's Aerobiology & Disinfection Lab team will:
- Enroll interested schools in the program
- Install free air quality monitors in school classrooms across the state with a free two year subscription for indoor air quality monitoring services*
- Provide subject matter expertise on indoor air quality issues
*After the free two year subscription ends, schools can choose whether or not to continue paying the annual subscription fee. Based on the current number of units deployed, the estimated annual subscription fees are anticipated to fall within the range of $1,000 to $6,000 per school. Schools could consider maintaining a partial/smaller network of units in their school after the initial free two-year subscription, which would reduce the total subscription fees while still providing continued information and data for the school. Fees are subject to potential adjustments.
The Clean Air For Schools Project has enrolled 369 schools from the following 28 districts: Academy 20, Adams 12 Five Star Schools, Adams 14, Adams-Arapahoe 28J, Brush RE-2(J), Bufalo School District RE4-J, Byers 32J, Charter School Institute, Colorado River BOCES, Denver Public Schools, Douglas, Douglas County RE-1, DSST Public Schools, Edison SD 54JT, Ignacio 11 JT, Jefferson County R-1, Lamar Re-2, Moffat Consolidated, Monte Vista C-8, Montezuma-Cortez RE-1, Other, Ouray, Poudre R-1, Pueblo City 60, St. Vrain Valley RE1J, Summit RE-1, Thompson R2-J, Weld County RE-3J. A full map of participating schools can be found here. A map of the social vulnerability index (SVI) of participating schools can be found here.
Session 1: September 14th 11 AM MT
Session 2: October 26th 11 AM MT
Session 3: November 15th 2 PM MT
This project is part of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Disease Control and Public Health Response Division’s Indoor Air Quality Program, and is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $173,450,305 with 0% percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC, HHS, or the U.S. Government. Questions about the project can be addressed to .