CU Boulder offers a wide variety of tutoring and learning resources to support you and your academic success. Some are specific to certain classes or departments or groups of students. Most are free while some require a fee. The most up-to-date resource is your professor - so check your syllabus and ask your professor or course assistant for help and referrals. Learn more about tutoring and academic support.
Academic Resources
The Academic Success and Achievement Program (ASAP) provides free tutoring for all first year students and students living on campus. Students who are not eligible for ASAP tutoring or who are waiting a tutor group may find several resources across campus that are helpful as well.
Semester at a glance
Download a calendar of the semester to stay informed on important dates.
Find your study spot
Whether you're looking for a nice view or somewhere nearby to get a snack, these spots will make the hours spent studying or participating in an online class more enjoyable.
Remote learning strategies
Learn tips and tricks to stay successful during remote learning.
Schedule your study time
Here is a template to organize your study schedule.