
Friday, April 5, 2019

6:00 - 9:00 PM: Welcome reception at Backcountry Pizza

Saturday, April 6, 2019

View the program here.

8:00 AM

Registration begins in JSCBB; breakfast and coffee available

9:00 AM

Opening remarks
Oral session #1: Isotope applications for environmental research

Moderator: Ben Johnson

9:15 AM

Greg Connock: Terrigenously-induced photic zone euxinia in the Late Devonian midcontinent of North America

9:45 AM

Ciara Asamoto: Untangling the roles of enzymatic variation in nitrate reduction isotope effects

10:15 AM

Joep van Dijk: Is the IPCC perhaps underestimating Earth’s climate sensitivity? Insights from clumped isotopes in pedogenic siderites from the PETM

10:45 AM

Coffee break
Oral session #2: Evolution

Moderator: Sarah Hurley

11:00 AM

Andrea Halling: Snowball Earth: The effect of viscosity on the multicellularity of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

11:30 AM

Amanda Garcia: Evolution of nitrogenases: Phylogenetic analysis and structural implications for metal binding

12:00 PM

Jen Reeve: Salinity Tolerance in Cyanobacteria

12:30 PM

Group photo, followed by lunch

1:15 PM

Poster session, coffee
Oral session #3: Life in extreme environments

Moderator: Jesse Colangelo

2:30 PM

Emily Kraus and Daniel Nothaft: Biological methane cycling in subsurface serpentinization-impacted waters

3:00 PM

Mikayla Borton: Coupled laboratory and field investigations resolve microbial interactions that underpin persistence in hydraulically fractured shales

3:30 PM

Adam Solon: Does increased nutrient availability allow microbes to avoid water limitation in extreme environments?

4:00 PM

Coffee break
Invited speakers

4:15 PM

Jim Howell: Ecological regeneration of grasslands through properly managed livestock

5:00 PM

Betül Kacar, Keynote address: Recapitulating ancient history in the laboratory with the methods of evolutionary synthetic biology

6:00 PM

Reception begins at Twisted Pine Brewery