Environmental Planning Minor

ENVD Planning Minor

Consider complimenting your major with knowledge and skills in sustainability, urban planning and landscape design.

Learn what it takes to facilitate the decision-making to carry out urban planning, urban design, land development and natural resource conservation with consideration of environmental, social, political and economic factors.

Declaring an ENVD Minor

In order to declare the Environmental Planning Minor or to discuss the program, please email Nate Jones, assistant director of advising & professional development, nathan.p.jones@colorado.edu to schedule a meeting. 


The audience for the planning minor is very broad and, overall, tends to grab the interests of students in the following majors:

  • Environmental Studies: Students interested in environmental planning
  • Political Science/Pre-Law: Students interested in working within governing institutions who make decisions
  • Business/Economics: Students interested in planning and the private sector
  • Sociology/Anthropology: Students interested in the use of property and space and impact on communities that inhabit them
  • Geography: Students interested in a professionally-driven implementation of urban geography

Minor Requirements

Complete a minimum of 18 credits in environmental planning-related courses. Of the 18 credits, nine must be taught in environmental design. 

Minor Curriculum

Theory and history (3 credits)

PLAN 2004 - History & Theory of Sustainable Planning and Design (3)
LAND 2004 - History of Landscape Architecture (3)
PLAN 3005 - Process and Practices (3)
LAND 4114 - Landscape Architecture Theory (3)

Technology requirement (3 credits)

GEOG 4603 - GIS in the Social and Natural Sciences (maymester only)
GEOG 3053 - Graphic Information Science: Mapping (4)

Environmental planning electives (6 credits)

Pick two electives from a list of suggested courses. It may be either an ENVD or non-ENVD upper-division course related to environmental planning. For courses not listed below, please consult with your advisor. 

PLAN 3005 – Process and Practice
PLAN 3102 – Strategies & Techniques for Sustainable Planning and Design
PLAN 4101 – Sustainable Futures Planning
ENVD 4361 – Inclusive Community Design
ENVD 4363 – Urban Transportation Planning
ENVD 4363 – Designing & Planning for Natural Areas
ENVD 4764 – Sustainability and Feng-shui
ENVD 4311 – Housing Policies and Practices
LAND 3103 – Planting Design and Ecology
LAND 4114 – Landscape Architecture Theory
ENVD 4363 – Sketching DSGN Visualization
GEOG 3612 – Geography of American Cities
GEOG 4772 – The Geography of Food and Agriculture
EBIO 3590 – Plants and Society
EBIO 4060 – Landscape Ecology
EBIO 3040 – Conservation Biology
Environmental planning capstone (6 credits)

PLAN 4100 - Capstone in Planning and Urban Design (6)