Faculty scholarly contributions are one of the School of Education's notable strengths. We are within the 90th percentile for faculty scholarly productivity among colleges and schools of education nationwide.
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Here is just a small sampling recent books authored or co-authored by our faculty:
- Derek C. Briggs released a book titled, Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences Credos and Controversies (2021)
- Kevin Welner and Wagma Mommandi, PhD student, co-authored School’s Choice: How Charter Schools Control Access and Shape Enrollment (2021)
- S.R. Toliver released a book titled, Recovering Black Storytelling in Qualitative Research: Endarkened Storywork (2021)
- Noreen Naseem Rodriguez co-authored Social Studies for a Better World: An Anti-Oppressive Approach for Elementary Educators (2021)
- Alison G. Boardman, Bridget Dalton, and Joseph L. Polman co-authored Compose Our World: Project-Based Learning in Secondary English Language Arts (2021)
- David C. Webb co-authored Transformational Change Efforts: Student Engagement in Mathematics through an Institutional Network for Active Learning (2021)
- John J. Hoover co-authored Study and Executive Function Skills for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems (2021)
- Kevin G. Welner released a book titled, Potential Grizzlies: Making the Nonsense Bearable (2021)
- Rubén Donato co-authored The Other American Dilemma: Schools, Mexicans, and the Nature of Jim Crow, 1912–1953 (2021)
- Andrea Dyrness co-authored Border Thinking: Latinx Youth Decolonizing (2020)
- Deborah K. Palmer co-authored Dual Language Bilingual Education: Teacher Cases and Perspectives on Large-Scale Implementation (2020)
- Elizabeth Dutro released a book titled, The Vulnerable Heart of Literacy: Centering Trauma as Powerful Pedagogy (2019)
- Kevin Welner co-authored Education and the Law, Fifth Edition (2019)
- Wendy J. Glenn co-edited Engaging with Multicultural YA Literature in the Secondary Classroom: Critical Approaches for Critical Educators (2019)
- Deborah K. Palmer released a book titled, Teacher Leadership for Social Change in Bilingual and Bicultural Education (2019)
- Dean of School of Education Kathy Schultz published Distrust and Educational Change: Overcoming Barriers to Just and Lasting Reform (2019)
- Johanna Maes co-authored Case Studies in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: An Intersectional Perspective (2019)
- Mileidis Gort released a book titled The Complex and Dynamic Languaging Practices of Emergent Bilinguals (2019)
- Jamy Stillman co-authored Teaching to Change the World — 5th Edition (2018)
- Terrenda White co-authored Twenty-First-Century Jim Crow Schools: The Impact of Charters on Public Education (2018)
- Melissa Braaten co-authored Ambitious Science Teaching (2018)
- Johanna B. Maes published Journeys of Social Justice: Women of Color Presidents in the Academy (2017)
- Erin Marie Furtak published Supporting Teachers’ Formative Assessment Practice with Learning Progressions (2017)
- William R. Penuel co-authored Connecting Research and Practice for Educational Improvement: Ethical and Equitable Approaches (2017)
- Kevin Welner co-authored Legal Issues in Education: Rights and Responsibilities in U.S. Public Schools Today (2017)
- John J. Hoover co-authored IEPs for ELs: And Other Diverse Learners (2017)
- William R. Penuel released a book titled, Creating Research-Practice Partnerships in Education (2017)
- Jamy Stillman co-authored Teaching for Equity in Complex Times: Negotiating National Standards in a High-Performing Bilingual School (2017)
- John J. Hoover and other authors published The How to Manage Behavior Series, Third Edition
- Millie Gort, edited The Complex and Dynamic Languaging Practices of Emergent Bilinguals (2017)
- Jamy Stillman co-authored Teaching for Equity in Complex Times: Negotiating National Standards in a High-Performing Bilingual School (2017)
- Erin Furtak co-authored The Feedback Loop: Using Formative Assessment Data for Science Teaching and Learning (2016)
- Michele Moses published Living with Moral Disagreement: The Enduring Controversy about Affirmative Action (2016)
- John Hoover’s co-authored Why Do English Learners Struggle with Reading? Distinguishing Language Acquisition from Learning Disabilities was published in its second edition (2016)
- Ben Kirshner released a book titled, Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality (2015)
- Kevin Welner and co-authors released Education and the Law, 4th Edition (2016) (ESEA Updated Materials)
- Authors Alex Molnar and Faith Boninger of the National Education Policy Center released, Sold Out: How Marketing in School Threatens Children's Well-Being and Undermines their Education (2015)