We also upload daily videos to the Google Classroom with both the morning message and the calendar. Parents have given such positive feedback thus far, so we think this is really working for them. Right before BVSD closed, the kindergarteners had earned a 'Stuffy Day,' where they each get to bring a stuffed animal to school. We plan to honor this reward and have a Google Hangout session dedicated to their stuffys! This will be with the whole class and each student will have the opportunity to bring their stuffy to the camera (or favorite toy) and tell the audience two things about their stuffy.
“We have nearly the same schedule as we did before BVSD closed. These kindergarteners really rely on consistency and routine, so we have tried to uphold that to the best of our ability. The kindergarteners still have rest time, play time, and recess on their daily schedule. This has worked very well so far.”