It is my pleasure to invite you to read the second edition of Voices, our annual magazine that gives you a window into our school. A thread runs throughout this issue—the importance and impact of community leadership. In educational settings and throughout our communities, we need strong, humane and dignified leaders more than ever.
We are proud of the leaders who bring to life our fundamental values in the CU Boulder School of Education, and in these pages you can meet some ofthem. This issue explores the recent rise of youth activism as well as setting up sustainable community partnerships. We write about the young Chicanx and Latinx leaders who have the support of an amazing ally and STEM professor, and an incredible alumnus who returned to his neighborhood elementary school to address the inequities he experienced as a child. I am inspired by their work and the dedication of many others like you, and indeed, this is why we do the work we do.
These are exciting times in our school, and as educators we are proud of our continued work with school partners to create new pathways that broaden access to education. I’m delighted that we have hired five new faculty, who are all scholars of color with fascinating scholarly perspectives that will immensely enhance our community of educators and learners. Next year, we will move to a new campus home and renovated building.
We have you, our alumni and friends, to thank for joining with us to make these efforts possible. Even your small interactions are consequential and meaningful to us in myriad ways. Thank you for helping lead us in exciting directions to truly transform the future of education.
Warm Wishes,
Kathy Schulz, Dean and Professor